Thursday 7 November 2019

What do you…

Think… Would You Smash or Pass?_ Sparkle:Been hittin it on the side (my gf don’t know I cheat) for months and she still makes me wrap it up.(25 October 2019) Antonia:My bad luck !?(25 October 2019) Myong:Should I Accuse My GF of cheating so she won’t suspect I am?(25 October 2019) Myong:Been cheating on her and she seems to [...]

We had to start our son on formula and since then, it has been nearly impossible to get an adequate milk supply.
(4 November 2019)

I hemorrhaged after delivery which caused a serious delay in my milk coming in.
(4 November 2019)

Okay, so this is my third child, and I never had an issues breast feeding the first two.
(4 November 2019)

My fiance broke up with me for a woman that he works with that he apparently has been dating for months?
(4 November 2019)

I finally feel like I'm done with that part of my life but how else can I get over this?
(4 November 2019)

I started partying way to much and having sex with way to many guys, in an effort to make him jealous and I guess just get my frustration out.
(4 November 2019)

And it emotionally destroyed me.
(4 November 2019)

Is it justified that I'm mad at this girl?
(4 November 2019)

They were together for two years, and she still cares for him, still, she is in love with me.
(4 November 2019)

She is jealous for me, and me too.
(4 November 2019)

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