Tuesday 12 November 2019

just another update

those interested to contact us can email us directly . sg_mc1976ATyahooDOTcomDOTsg_ Alexis:Is it weird I didn’t feel attached even though he was my first?(1 November 2019) Alexis:And I still haven’t cried for a week.(1 November 2019) Alexis:I’m 29 and had lost my virginity to my first BF.(1 November 2019) Christin:What are some things you remember from it?(1 November 2019) Christin:Or [...]

Queenstar there's something you should know that I've been meaning to get off my chest.
(8 November 2019)

How do I give my crush clear signs that I like him?
(8 November 2019)

I know the only real way to do it is to tell him straight up that I like him, but I feel like it's too soon to do that since we've just been talking for two weeks.
(8 November 2019)

How do I show signs that I like him?
(8 November 2019)

I just think he's a cool guy and even though there are other guys I like too, I feel like I'm starting to like this guy the most, and I want to make a move.
(8 November 2019)

Usually after class ends, I'll get a message from him.
(8 November 2019)

One time when I left class, I kept looking back at him, and he was watching me the whole time.
(8 November 2019)

I guess he just feel nervous around me.
(8 November 2019)

I don't believe that him not talking to me too much in person is due to him making sure no one knows that we've been talking cuz one of his close friends told my friend that he knows someone who has a crush on me, and I'm assuming it's my crush.
(8 November 2019)

Other times he'll give me a shy closed mouthed smile.
(8 November 2019)

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