Monday 11 November 2019


What’s in a name? I grew up disliking my first name, my sister hers. We were names for great aunts and while we understood the significance and thanked the stars we hadn’t been named for Ethel,_ Leeann:Part of me wants to explain my feelings to women I meet, but wouldn’t it be weird talking about a [...]

He told me he wanted distance and didn't know if he would want to see me again.
(7 November 2019)

My boyfriend and I had an argument last night and he wouldn't talk to me or see me.
(7 November 2019)

I hate these akward first stage dating scenarios of contacting people.
(7 November 2019)

Wanted to know if I should text him hope that he is feeling better since I hadn t heard from him.
(7 November 2019)

He hardly contacts me during the times he sets up dates.
(7 November 2019)

I hung out with a guy on Monday we went to a concert.
(7 November 2019)

What has happened here?
(7 November 2019)

Why did we not feel this way 25 years ago but do now?
(7 November 2019)

We reconnected 25 years later (two weeks ago) but the tie between our souls is very real.
(7 November 2019)

We dated when we were 17 but we didn't feel like this about each.
(7 November 2019)

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