Sunday 17 November 2019

A Question For The Men But Women Can Respond Too!!!

[image]What do you think men of blogland?Women do you like scratch a man’s back?_ Ernestina:Recently another guy friend of mine began manipulating me when I told him about my abusive dad ,he began steering conversation to se.x . Men often become friends with me only to sleep but not have real relationship.(9 November 2019) Ernestina:He is breaking [...]

He was in a relationship but as of the past two weeks it appears heis not any longer in the relationship.
(13 November 2019)

He brought up summiting a mountain and i said ok.
(13 November 2019)

But he recently started interacting with my posts on facebook so we started messaging.
(13 November 2019)

So one of my ex's friends and i have been talking (just mostly mountain stuff) neither of us are friends with my ex at all anymore so that is not an issue.
(13 November 2019)

I think this girl likes me, but she mentions other guys?
(13 November 2019)

I never make it sound like it's bothering me, but it is...
(13 November 2019)

I mean does she say this to make me jealous?
(13 November 2019)

She even said when she moves just for the winter, she'll be living with a group of guys.
(13 November 2019)

The thing I don't understand is why in most conversations she mentions some guy.
(13 November 2019)

She shows a lot of signs of interest even going as far as initiating a make out session with me.
(13 November 2019)

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