Sunday, 31 March 2019

Today’s undies – Friday 3 March

Yesterday was pretty full-on with work. I went to a briefing session where I met colleagues who wanted to talk about some pressing issues as well as the overall plans were are working on together. It’_ Kenyetta:I’ve been dating my boyfriend for almost 4 years.(31 March 2019) Kenyetta:I’m freaking out, after I got a blood test during [...]

Why did my ex leave me and tell me enjoy Summer? It's not even April!?
(28 March 2019)

After a day and saying to me this is my last goodnight she continues to say why she left me.
(28 March 2019)

Is it over before it started?
(28 March 2019)

Would do anything to win her back.
(28 March 2019)

I'm so confused and dont have no idea what to do next.
(28 March 2019)

I'm ok with that, just be honest about it.
(28 March 2019)

Rumor has it that she talking back to her ex.
(28 March 2019)

I would've thought if she wanted to keep it on a professional level I'm ok with that just let me know something.
(28 March 2019)

The crazy thing is that I still work with her and see her a few times out of the week.
(28 March 2019)

I haven't asked her why the cold shoulder because I dont want ruin a chance if I still have one.
(28 March 2019)

A BJ a Day Keeps the Doctor AWay

So I have come to another shocking conclusion this week, I really enjoy giving my husband head. I have always done it but only on occasion. Truthfully, I have never understood why some woman have such_ Yi:I like her but i m giving her a chance to meetup so we know each other more.(30 March 2019) Yi:I [...]

Girls at school keep calling us fat and trash talking us at team practice.Talk to my coach, which helped a little bit, but they still bug us at school when coach is not around.Our real dad is dead and our mom is too busy with her dumb bf.
(28 March 2019)

Change in habits after breakup?
(28 March 2019)

It s just odd having the desire to keep things tidy when before I couldn t care less.
(28 March 2019)

The breakup is not something I spend my time thinking about and I m pretty happy, but I m wondering why a change in my habits happened and why it s keeping up?
(28 March 2019)

I spent days throwing out things and emptying out my closet and now I just pick up everything and sanitize as I go.
(28 March 2019)

A short week after my breakup with this guy, I had urges to clean up.
(28 March 2019)

I had always been super messy all my life, I would hoard things sometimes and I would leave dishes in my room for week and it was always a pain to clean up anything for me.
(28 March 2019)

It was upsetting but we still talk and get along so it s not too bad.
(28 March 2019)

Recently, about a month and a half ago, I got out of a serious relationship that lasted a little over a year.
(28 March 2019)

I have a father who has lied to my mother again. He is a habitual liar. How do I show him my disrespect and disgust in him as a person?
(28 March 2019)

yohansharma2016 is my id, chat on hangout

i would like to share my exp with you……_ Thanh:Our parents are gone it’s just us also I’m living with my friends but there all married.(30 March 2019) Thanh:She watches the show called I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant she said nothing on there prevents it.(30 March 2019) Thanh:Me and my sister are dating we don’t want kids [...]

I do not dare look up myself for the risk of being swallowed by this demonic presense as my friends have.
(28 March 2019)

I fear they might have bern either cultivating a cult or have joined one.
(28 March 2019)

Some context a group of friends of my friends recently have been talking about this nearly non-spot.
(28 March 2019)

What is the best way to tell my mother that I what to have my own bank account , to get a job and privacy?
(28 March 2019)

Why is my 'best' friend only close to me in private?
(28 March 2019)

She'll tell me in private how 'special' I am but I never see that translated to others.
(28 March 2019)

Our friendship has always been relatively unstable but I figure since it lasted, it was genuine.
(28 March 2019)

We've have apparently been best friends for 13 years.
(28 March 2019)

She has other public best friends that apparently don't include me.
(28 March 2019)

Like for the most part she just designates me as a normal friend to the public, rarely acknowledging me on social media or anything.
(28 March 2019)

Here’s your chance to make up your own Sexual Holiday!

Tell me what you would NAME your National Sex Holiday? (Ex. SEX-GIVING, XXXmas, Nat’l Bondage Day)What would be the lead mascot/symbolic figure? And what would be their special power?(Ex. Saint_ Tia:He says the car will be both of ours & I believe that he means it.(30 March 2019) Tia:He gets another check Monday but its not enough [...]

My boyfriend hit me but said sorry?! Should I still break up?
(27 March 2019)

How many blacks does it take to change a light-bulb?
(27 March 2019)

Will my ex try to approach or contact me next?
(27 March 2019)

Do you think he will try to approach me or keep contacting me?
(27 March 2019)

I don't know if he's triggered right now.
(27 March 2019)

I ignored the email because of no contact.A couple of days after that, I got an email asking if I got the first email.
(27 March 2019)

Two days later I got an e-mail from him asking how I am.
(27 March 2019)

I ended up a couple of cars behind him in traffic.
(27 March 2019)

Strangely enough, I've seen him in my neighborhood a few times since.
(27 March 2019)

It's been 2 years since the break up, he broke up with me.
(27 March 2019)

lesbian relationship in patna

WHY ELDERLY WOMAN NEEDS YOUNG LADY AS LESB PARTNER, WHY SHE TAKES INITIATE TO BEFRIND THE YOUNG LADY_ Tawana:We hung out for a couple hours but I left the date feeling super annoyed.(30 March 2019) Tawana:I get some guys talk a lot out of nervousness, but it seemed more narcissistic to me.(30 March 2019) Tawana:I would try to [...]

Should i just tell her how i feel and let her do with it what she will?
(27 March 2019)

So i dont know how or if i can win this girl.
(27 March 2019)

Today, i just learned that my 2 best friends are going after her, all they said to me was let the best man win.
(27 March 2019)

So there is this girl who I am in love with, we dated for a while and she ended stuff, we still talk and hangout.
(27 March 2019)

Do white woman get kidnapped more often?
(27 March 2019)

Does anybody have the actual numbers and not just there opinion ?
(27 March 2019)

Me and my girlfriend decided to have a baby if we have a boy we're naming him Nicholas Joseph if it's a girl we're naming her Elizabeth ( Libby ) Ann.
(27 March 2019)

I am 25 and I am with a guy in his 50s. He proposed to me and i said give me some time. I'm not going to lie money has a part in me?
(27 March 2019)

Either she's really changed her mind about it or something is bothering her because when I first met she was mad at me that I had grandkids now she's wanting one.
(27 March 2019)

I asked her what changed her mind about having one she just told me that I was already a great dad.
(27 March 2019)

Saturday, 30 March 2019

My introduction to wifefucking

I was an 18 year old boy on a vacation with my parents in the Bahamas. Of course I was out and about immediately escaping my parents. Watching the bikinis on the beach like a normal healthy happy horn_ Beryl:I told him it was too hot and he gets all sad and moody telling him I [...]

I need less distractions, so I work close to full time and will be going to college full time starting next term.
(27 March 2019)

I have learned that I need to finish my education and get a career before the age of 30 years old.
(27 March 2019)

I had a few bumps in the road that slowed me down with my college education.
(27 March 2019)

Is it normal for a 22 year old guy like me to stare at women I find attractive?
(27 March 2019)

It happens a lot to me when I see a beautiful female in public.
(27 March 2019)

Feel free to answer anonymously if it makes you feel better.
(27 March 2019)

Straight woman ages 18-30: have you ever ate your friend out?
(27 March 2019)

It seems to be more common now than ever.
(27 March 2019)

Asking because i wanna know how common this is?
(27 March 2019)

My trans boyfriend got me pregnant! How could this have happened?
(27 March 2019)

A New Chapter - Solo?

Moved out on my own. How long will the separation last? At this stage of our lives, so many things can interfere and prolong it. But we both have family members that need us, in different parts of the_ Tabitha:Only thing we had issue with was the fact I work too much and was never home.(29 [...]

He is a great looking guy for his age and we do really enjoy eachother.
(27 March 2019)

Being with him and although we don't talk about it a lot he isn't dumb, he is a nurse practitioner so he knows that is the case.
(27 March 2019)

Why should we tolerate lying qweers?
(27 March 2019)

Why do many girls like to be choked during sex?
(27 March 2019)

I know she's only doing it because she's upset or depressed.
(27 March 2019)

She said she's a lesbian now because she hates men.
(27 March 2019)

She loves Marilyn Manson too I told her she might still have a chance with him but she said she won't because she's not allowed to go see him she gives up on it.
(27 March 2019)

She's into bands like Kiss , Motley Crue , Cinderella , Poison , Queen band's like that but she said all those guys are married and have kids or grandkids.
(27 March 2019)

She said she gives up on men everyone she knows has a boyfriend or has been kissed she hasnt had her first kiss.
(27 March 2019)

She's never had a real relationship guys don't like her she's not popular she's never had many friends.
(27 March 2019)

Don’t You Just Love a Skinny Ebony Woman!!

[image][image2][image3][image4][image5]_ Marietta:Could they just need alot of people?(29 March 2019) Marietta:Can you think of any reason they called me for the job?(29 March 2019) Tatum:My friend has just fell asleep on a call with everything turned on in her house and I wanna wake her up so she can turn them off?(29 March 2019) Tatum:Is there anyway to wake [...]

A guy that I have known from school for a while apologized to me if he ever did anything to offend me, is he sexually harassing me?
(27 March 2019)

GUYS ? would you think a 5'6 woman that is 123lbs is fat and a bad weight?? I feel so fat :(?
(27 March 2019)

I'm worried I'm big and guys won't like me..I'm a girl. 19.
(27 March 2019)

How should I proceed with this guy?
(27 March 2019)

This guy isnt trying for something more is he?
(26 March 2019)

But I am not ready for a relationship and if hes having any feelings I don't want to lead him on or give him false hope .
(26 March 2019)

Maybe I'm reading into things Too much.
(26 March 2019)

Whole way home he kept talking about doing it again and he texts me right after he leaves saying he wants us to talk more.
(26 March 2019)

We both havent had any in months.
(26 March 2019)

My friend and I have been talking on and off for months about having some fun and he knows I dont want more than sex right now.
(26 March 2019)

Me gustaria decirle esto a alguien.. en verdad si…

A quien este en el turno de mi amante…me gustaria poder decirle todo esto…Aja papasote rico, seductor …….y porque me has tenido abandonada, olvidada, que ya no te intereso ó es que encontra_ Bernie:I’ve taken a coworker out to dinner twice.(28 March 2019) Rheba:Baby girl name starting with B?(28 March 2019) Kindra:Family doesnt approve me as their child?(28 [...]

He likes being around me, any chance he can get he's around me.
(26 March 2019)

And I think he might feel the same.
(26 March 2019)

I'm a single 25 yr young lady and I know what I want in life, but then He's in my life now.
(26 March 2019)

Well, long story short, after spending a lot of time with him, I grew big time feelings.
(26 March 2019)

I've known him for the longest time, but it wasnt till last year that I noticed how much he had grown and how handsome he had become.
(26 March 2019)

I wasnt seeking him or wanted this to just did.
(26 March 2019)

This happened very quick and it was random.
(26 March 2019)

I do look pretty young so I've kind of always got younger guys attention.
(26 March 2019)

I'm 25 years old and I have grown feelings for a 16 year old guy.
(26 March 2019)

No matter what the cause, do you think parents SHOULD vaccinate their kids? More than ever now that is now epidamic of measles?
(26 March 2019)

Friday, 29 March 2019

Me gustaria decirle esto a alguien.. en verdad si…

A quien este en el turno de mi amante…me gustaria poder decirle todo esto…Aja papasote rico, seductor …….y porque me has tenido abandonada, olvidada, que ya no te intereso ó es que encontra_ Bernie:I’ve taken a coworker out to dinner twice.(28 March 2019) Rheba:Baby girl name starting with B?(28 March 2019) Kindra:Family doesnt approve me as their child?(28 [...]

I've stayed over his house a few times.
(26 March 2019)

But when I'm with him hes super nice and caring.
(26 March 2019)

And he always say idk when I ask him about going out.
(26 March 2019)

I think he just wants sex tho bc he only talks to me when I text him.
(26 March 2019)

I've tried to mention to him I'm more interested in seeing him outside of sex by saying so when am I gona see you next or maybe we can go out sometime.
(26 March 2019)

So the guy I have been hooking up with for the past couple of week I've started to like.
(26 March 2019)

Married men, do you get sex whenever you want?
(26 March 2019)

What do you call it when a street person ties up women for sexual role play?
(26 March 2019)

Wanna see a picture of me when I was younger?
(26 March 2019)

Will I ever get over this girl?
(26 March 2019)

Fucking risky… naked on the street corner

Set up all my gear…Took a few test shots…Stripped naked…Slipped into my 6″ high heels…Set the timers off and started playing with my thong.Loved it!_ Ryan:How to be a certified breast massager?(28 March 2019) Frida:Are there ANY redeemable qualities about the Democratic Party?(28 March 2019) Frida:Currently they seem the party of lies and horrible ideas. (Banning planes, cows, [...]

But the manager wont listen and gave my boyfriend a warning instead of listening to evidence or looking at the text messages.
(26 March 2019)

Fortunately, the texts from my former best friend saying that he works at 4:30 is documented in text.
(26 March 2019)

However, he did call but no one had answered the phone and he wasnt sure.
(26 March 2019)

Told him that the shift was at 4:30 PM to 9:30 PM, when he had showed up to work at that time, the manager gave him a warning and told him that he should have called the store for the right time for his shift which was supposed to be at 4 PM.
(26 March 2019)

However, she gave him the wrong time for his shift.
(26 March 2019)

She had told him that they was a change in the schedule and that they had switched shifts.
(26 March 2019)

We were best friends up until recently.
(26 March 2019)

My boyfriend started this new job with my former best friend.
(26 March 2019)

We kissed on our first date. Why was he horny?
(26 March 2019)

What does he feel if he had an erection?
(26 March 2019)


Although neither Fernando or I are from Puerto Rico, we do have family there and travel once in a while to spend a few days there. This time, Fernando had to travel for business reasons and I couldn’t_ Elvina:If I’m there for everyone.. Who will be there for me?(27 March 2019) Elvina:And my wife isn’t much help, [...]

She just got one of those new necklaces or collars or whatever it is that's like one of those big neck collars only this one she wears doesn't have the spikes on them but she said she's been wanting a spiky one she literally wears it everywhere.
(25 March 2019)

Shes always use to staying up late but been going to bed earlier.
(25 March 2019)

She's been watching horror movies which she never watched and bad shows like South Park and Family Guy.
(25 March 2019)

She's been wearing black she's even dyed her hair purple.
(25 March 2019)

My sister has been having emotional problems she's been getting upset at every little thing.
(25 March 2019)

My dream is to move to new york with my boyfriend and pursue the fashion industry but I will miss me and my dad's routine?
(25 March 2019)

I'm 26 and for years me and my dad have gone grocery shopping every saturday together, its an all day event and how we bond.
(25 March 2019)

Why do you think a guy would care if you were mad at him?
(25 March 2019)

In love but i cant have her????
(25 March 2019)

Everyone at work noticed that me and her would flirt.
(25 March 2019)


This will be the 2nd part to my Symposium piece which is about Strangers In A Strange Land.I started off talking about my personal sex life and how Strangers here have an effect on someone.Whether it_ Kami:He didn’t say anything, but I saw some of his friends gave a chuckle.(27 March 2019) Kami:I went over and gave [...]

Whats they key to dating nowadays i'm single and trying to forget about previous relationships?
(25 March 2019)

Tan as baby?
(25 March 2019)

When she showed me baby pictures I didn't recognize the early ones as me because of the difference in skin color.
(25 March 2019)

Is it a thing where babies are born darker skin and lose it?
(25 March 2019)

In my very old baby pictures when I was a newborn I was extremely tan, however as I aged my pigmentation seemed lost.
(25 March 2019)

Period coming or pregnant?
(25 March 2019)

For the past week and 3 days I've had milky white discharge and today its increased but its more watery but still white can it this be that my period is coming or am i pregnant?
(25 March 2019)

Should I just not have obliged from the beginning?
(25 March 2019)

Long story short, this woman on the elevator told me to press her floor. (not asked). When I did, she did not say thank you so i just : YOU'RE WELCOME.
(25 March 2019)

Should I spend some time without talking to her?
(25 March 2019)


This will be the 2nd part to my Symposium piece which is about Strangers In A Strange Land.I started off talking about my personal sex life and how Strangers here have an effect on someone.Whether it_ Kami:He didn’t say anything, but I saw some of his friends gave a chuckle.(27 March 2019) Kami:I went over and gave [...]

Or can i eat fast food just in moderation?
(25 March 2019)

Do i really have to avoid fast food throughtout my whole pregnancy?
(25 March 2019)

Sometimes i work and my only option is to eat fast food but they say dont eat fast food?
(25 March 2019)

I know they say one cup is ok a day but i still even get worrie with that one cup.
(25 March 2019)

I heard some people say anything but certain stuff in moderation like cofffee for instance . I need my daily cup of dunkin donuts iced coffee everyday?
(25 March 2019)

Was this a good compromise?
(25 March 2019)

At first i said no but then he asked again so i said fine but they have to buy their own food or help me on my farm because i am not going to feed them for free.
(25 March 2019)

My dad is a pastor and he asked me if a couple of missionaries could stay at my house for around a month because i live by myself and have a few spare rooms.
(25 March 2019)

Why do guy go on tinder if they have a girlfriend??
(25 March 2019)

Stop hanging out with him after.
(25 March 2019)

These blogs are kind of like the pub toilets …

…but only in one particular way and with an important beneficial difference. Do most guy’s realize that women talk about them to other women when they go to the toilets? Well they do. If any women a_ Lester:How odd because they never even so much as replied to decades of invitations from us, no RSVP, no [...]

Bruh my kids died?
(25 March 2019)

My Friend found out that I used to sleep with his wife before marriage and before he met her n now he does'nt face me n feels uncomfortable?
(25 March 2019)

Nor has he misbehaved with me , just does'nt meet me like before, So what can I do to make him feel comfortable as he is a very good friend and he helped me in many ways and sacrificed a lot for me?
(25 March 2019)

I want to start dressing girly, where should I start?
(25 March 2019)

Then I realized that they're not all like that and I could probably find one that wasn't horrific.
(25 March 2019)

Men are cool but women are amazing so that wasn't hard for me.
(25 March 2019)

I had just moved to nyc and was very overwhelmed and uncomfortable (if you live in ny you know how it is) so I decided to dress like a guy and date women.
(25 March 2019)

Hi I've been dressing like a boy for about 10 years now (since I was 12) because my body got a lot of unwanted attention from men.
(25 March 2019)

I'm finding these options better then the bar scene.
(25 March 2019)

Sometimes I like to go downtown and try to meet women in the day.
(25 March 2019)

Thursday, 28 March 2019

Rocket In My Pocket…..

This song came to mind recently……Little Feat…..probably my all-time favorite band……—————————————————–My baby called me up She said, “Why don’t you ever tak_ Tiffany:In May it will be a year since I lost my dad to suicide and this time of year is really hard for me and I’ve been feeling really disconnected from reality.(27 March 2019) Tu:Is [...]

I'm even considering to stop talking to him...
(25 March 2019)

No because I'm not attracted to him at all and I just see him as a friend but he keeps asking for reasons to why and I don't want to hurt his feelings... But it has started to bother me cuz he keeps asking and wants to meet up irl.
(25 March 2019)

He randomly asks me if I would sleep with him and I said no.
(25 March 2019)

Btw I'm 18 and he's 3 years older.
(25 March 2019)

I know what he looks like and he knows what I look like and we have each other on snap and stuff.
(25 March 2019)

So there's this guy I know online, we've known each other for more than a year now and met through a game online and always play together.
(25 March 2019)

25 years old and never had a first kiss (not even by joke). Is that so bad? Why does anybody want me?
(25 March 2019)

I havent had a friend for like, 15 years.
(25 March 2019)

Sometimes I have this deep need of love that I try to win but most times I get mad and depressed at my life and lack of happiness in my life.
(25 March 2019)

And I will never be one of them.
(25 March 2019)

Happy Birthday, Nebraska

Photo is from yesterday. [image1]A very large catalpa tree.(I cut it off too low. )The following is a rough draft, touching on some of what I want my “great essay” to be like………..March 1, 2017H_ Teresita:I feel like she’s growing distant for a reason and I want to know why, but I don’t know if its [...]

I think that is a sign of disrespect and i dont feel comfortable with them talking.
(25 March 2019)

My boyfriend didnt tell me until now that his ex asked me for my picture when we just started dating and she made a comment about how I dont know how to smile, what the heck does that even mean and why would she make that comment?
(25 March 2019)

Can I hire a little boy for this?
(25 March 2019)

I'm not doing anything else to him and he's not doing anything else for me.
(25 March 2019)

It would be my first sexual experience (with another person) and I feel like I would be more comfortable around little boys.
(25 March 2019)

I always wanted a little boy to suck my nipples and crawl on me really.
(25 March 2019)

What name goes better with Amelia?
(25 March 2019)

And I am having a boy and am wondering what name compliments Amelia Edmund or Edward, I like both and they are family names I am just having trouble choosing.
(25 March 2019)

How do I get over my anxiety of speaking in front of a group of strangers?
(25 March 2019)

This is either at work or even to some people i just met.
(25 March 2019)

It’s that time of the year again

It is that time of the year again when colds and other critters make their appearance at the most inopportune times. Was set up to go to a meeting and get a message that it was not gonna happen thanks_ Karlene:Realizing someone is your soulmate when they leave you or after a break up?(26 March 2019) Shirley:Poll: [...]

But I don't know if I should still marry him He said it was a once off.
(25 March 2019)

So basically we are ment to be getting married in 5days time.
(25 March 2019)

How do you kiss a girl at school?
(25 March 2019)

My current girlfriend and I are just so shy and have a hard time actually making moves.
(25 March 2019)

I've kissed girls in the past but it'd always need to be the other girl making the move.
(25 March 2019)

We've talked about it and we both know we want to kiss more but we both get so anxious and don't end up actually kissing.
(25 March 2019)

She kissed me for the first time last week on the bus.
(25 March 2019)

And we hang out at school during lunch and on the bus mainly.
(25 March 2019)

So we don't get to hang out outside of school as often as we'd like.
(25 March 2019)

My girlfriend has a very religious family and they aren't a huge fan of me since I'm a girl.
(25 March 2019)

Music for the Soul

Music has always affected my spirit powerfully, especially music with a booming bass. I prefer an upbeat dance song rather than a slow , moody, melancholy song. There’s a time and place for all music._ Leatrice:I was thinking of banging her later but I’m worried she might go starfish on me.(26 March 2019) Shona:Why does my boyfriend [...]

Am i the weird one or my roommate?
(24 March 2019)

How should I start?
(24 March 2019)

How should I slide in a girl dms on ig?
(24 March 2019)

She said she's ready for this year to be over she hopes it goes by quickly.
(24 March 2019)

Her cousin and grandpa died last month this month her aunt suffered a seizure and a car accident she's doing better but is also getting worse.
(24 March 2019)

My girlfriend has had a rough year with her family so far.
(24 March 2019)

I miss him so much and I wish I didn't mess up this badly.
(24 March 2019)

He has been back in town and I've been trying to meet up to apologize and ask for a 2nd second chance, but he wants absolutely nothing to do with me and it's killing me.
(24 March 2019)

I told my ex couple days later and he broke up with me.
(24 March 2019)

I was extremely sexually frustrated as I haven't been intimate for almost 6 months.
(24 March 2019)

Music for the Soul

Music has always affected my spirit powerfully, especially music with a booming bass. I prefer an upbeat dance song rather than a slow , moody, melancholy song. There’s a time and place for all music._ Leatrice:I was thinking of banging her later but I’m worried she might go starfish on me.(26 March 2019) Shona:Why does my boyfriend [...]

And my mom has lied and she gaslights me and denies everything that happened and even tried to say stuff to scape goat me. i feel like i'm being literally abused at home.
(24 March 2019)

She was not criminally charged for it.
(24 March 2019)

I have a huge scratch on my face because my sister attacked me.
(24 March 2019)

My mom tried to lie and cover up facts.
(24 March 2019)

My parents should also be convicted of allowing a potential killer get away with it.
(24 March 2019)

I'm worried if she does stab someone.
(24 March 2019)

She's a dangerous sociopath and i think she should be in jail.
(24 March 2019)

My sister constantly provokes fights with me.
(24 March 2019)

My mom has threatened me if i report my sibling that she will lie and report me.
(24 March 2019)

I have an abusive sibling who has grabbed a knife and tried to stab me and everyone else at home and my mom denies it and tries to lie to the police when they were called.
(24 March 2019)

Wednesday, 27 March 2019


Just a little note to all my friends…Thanks for all the sweetness ya send my way.You always make me feel so special. Have a beautiful weekendand take a moment to vote my entry in the Christmas Cheer_ Sharice:She was with her group of friends, while I’m standing against the wall with my friend.(25 March 2019) Sharice:I was [...]

Housemate problem?
(24 March 2019)

Moving out is not option right now.
(24 March 2019)

Very cleverly she points out my personal stuff but when I do that, she becomes the victim.
(24 March 2019)

You always point out stuff and she says okay this is how you want right to calculate everything separately, this is what we will do now.
(24 March 2019)

She becomes defensive saying I buy so many things little things for home that I don't even take in account.
(24 March 2019)

She buys sunscreen and stuff from store while doing groceries and at that point one pays together and by the month end when I remind that you bought ur personal stuff too.
(24 March 2019)

But she is being manipulative now.
(24 March 2019)

But as for make up and clothing one pays for their own.
(24 March 2019)

We had a rule, snacks and everything no matter who eats it will still be splited.
(24 March 2019)

We do groceries and everything together and by the end of the month we split into two.
(24 March 2019)

Safe sane intelligent Dominant looking for safe sane clean bi females who are ready to make things h

Looking for bi females for hot and erotic Bdsm sessions i can host safe sane intelligent italian an black Dominant gentlemen looking to converse with females only_ Willette:IS this a rational concern or….(25 March 2019) Willette:I also talked to him about this and he says he doesn’t care about anyone else, but I’m still baffled as to [...]

I liked it so much feeling her, she was so soft and warm, and it was all so beautiful and felt like perfect.
(24 March 2019)

I wanted to kiss her but it rang at the door.
(24 March 2019)

I liked it but I immediately retracted my hand, she said 'no,... do you trust me'. I said yes and she said 'please... I love you...' and took my hand again.
(24 March 2019)

I was kinda shocked because she mever did something like this before and I freaked out.
(24 March 2019)

Scared one night stand got me pregnant or stds?
(24 March 2019)

I had a one night stand unprotected I know stupid of me and now I'm scared I got pregnant or got an std I took the morning after pill but dont know if it was effective or not and I'm scared any thoughts?
(24 March 2019)

Why is AOC mad that McConnel is making Democrats vote on HER Green New Deal?
(24 March 2019)

Should I dance battle my best friend at my birthday party?
(24 March 2019)

I think it would be cool to have a dance battle against her at my birthday party.
(24 March 2019)

Anyone agree, breasts are key to my sexuality and i feel so sexual when me or my husbabd touches my bewbs?
(24 March 2019)

Terrific Thursday’s lovely Ladies (Pics)

It is terrific Thursday once again!!! Here are some pics of hot and sexy ladies for you to enjoy._ Awilda:I tried asking him questions about his feelings towards her but I only ended up getting the same answer; ”I don’t know, I feel like I’m ripped apart into halfs”. I told him I would be there [...]

Recently we've texted a few time but I texted her this week and she hasn't responded.
(24 March 2019)

That time we talked and kissed each throughout the night.
(24 March 2019)

Until later that night we began talking, kissing and hugging until I had to leave.
(24 March 2019)

But I felt that the feeling wasnt mutual.
(24 March 2019)

There was a coworker there that I'm interested in.
(24 March 2019)

I went to this company late night event.
(24 March 2019)

I just started working at this new job a few months back.
(24 March 2019)

Do you have former friends who look down on you thinking that you are now boring and haven't attained much in life?
(24 March 2019)

If you are in that situation, how do you deal with it?
(24 March 2019)

Why do they say..but shes got a pretty face?
(24 March 2019)

Keeping Up with Guy

Well I do not know how many of us are using a FIT program and are keeping up with Guy and his 10,00 steps per day. I do know this - we all will needto be doing 20,000 steps when this day is over:It’s_ Stacie:She is or was pomisous but is now trying to change.(25 March [...]

Is there any probiotics that is safe during making baby and does probiotics keep bacterial vaginosis away?
(23 March 2019)

I keep getting bacterial vaginosis but i also want to keep it at bay while trying to conceive so i won't have an flare up.
(23 March 2019)

My husband and I are wanting to try for our second child since our first son will be 2 in July.
(23 March 2019)

My girlfriend cried when we had sex it's her first time.
(23 March 2019)

My 3 year old niece got hit by a car and my girlfriend doesn't care?
(23 March 2019)

And she got mad at me for cancelling the date was i wrong?
(23 March 2019)

We were supposed to go on a date but my 3 year old niece got hit by a car and i told my gf that i wanted to see her because the dr said it doesn't look good.
(23 March 2019)

What if a girl who was purposely acting rude to friendzone you, drunk texted you?
(23 March 2019)

We haven't been friends long at all, but in the short amount of time we have had some semi deep convos.
(23 March 2019)

She said nothing special, but my name was the second thing she texted, and then told me she was drunk.
(23 March 2019)

como sigues luego de perder a tu amor?

como sigues.luego de perder tu amor=_ Olivia:The day before we went our date we both decided that we were going to go to the gym to work out and then go out to dinner.(25 March 2019) Olivia:A few days ago I decided to meet up and go out with a guy on a date I had been [...]

If a guy asks about my plans for the night?
(23 March 2019)

Have you ever hated someone so much you?
(23 March 2019)

How is a costume distracting?
(23 March 2019)

Can someone photoshop Ricardo Milos and Danny DeVito getting married?
(23 March 2019)

How do you start talking to an online friend you ghosted again?
(23 March 2019)

How do I stop liking people and having people like you?
(23 March 2019)

Every time I like a Guy a get so insecure that he ll like someone else or he ll leave me it gets to the point it s obsessive and it drives me nuts how do I get guys to stop liking me and how do I stop liking guys?
(23 March 2019)

Should I date a girl I am not attracted to?
(23 March 2019)

It may be that because of my looks I will never find someone who is attractive to me so it may be this or being forever alone.
(23 March 2019)

She interested in me and I am wondering should I go for it even though I am not attracted to her.
(23 March 2019)

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Do Forums Work?

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Not for the faint at heart

My injury wasn’t fun, but it’s even more difficult to describe. The progression of before-injury, injury and post injury are clockwise from the Left. Yup._ Natalya:I don t mean any of that but I can t stop it.(24 March 2019) Natalya:I started saying something terrible to him but I know I didn t mean it.(24 March 2019) Natalya:Because [...]

Not even just that they are all becoming toxic and are doing idiotic things and are rude to people and always assume things about everyone.
(23 March 2019)

All of the people my age and a few years above and below are vaping, smoking, or drinking.
(23 March 2019)

Should i ask this girl out at work?
(23 March 2019)

Should i be mad? will choose a best answer?
(23 March 2019)

Baby mat for 1 year old. Soft and thick material?
(23 March 2019)

That way they won't hurt themselves.
(23 March 2019)

What kind of material should i buy that is softer and thicker than the rugs?
(23 March 2019)

They are learning how to walk and sometimes fall over.
(23 March 2019)

I purchased one of those colorful rugs for the babies to walk on but it's not soft enough.
(23 March 2019)

If you loved one asked you to do this would you?
(23 March 2019)

Red ;)

Because Red is Beautiful_ Nicol:Do you think the person you are in relationship with is having an affair?(24 March 2019) Nicol:How far would you go for a partner who would not cheat on you or leave you .(24 March 2019) Jimmy:When it comes to babies and children watching stuff like this happening to their parents it upsets her.(24 [...]

Now he s being distant and he still hasn t broken up with her, everytime I ask him about her he tells me to stop stressing him and to give him time. what should I do?
(23 March 2019)

Will things get better for me? Or am I cursed? (Please no negativity) I need prayers and advice?
(23 March 2019)

I feel like a horrible mom and I just can't seem to ever be enough for anyone.
(23 March 2019)

I don't have a car and no job and I don't know if I'm going to make it in life.
(23 March 2019)

I don't get along with my mother and recently we just had a big blow up and I been moving from place to ace since I've been 16. Ive been beaten on by my mother and father all my life and I just feel so hopeless and I just don't know what to do.
(23 March 2019)

The father is not around he's a deadbeat living life with another woman and her kids.
(23 March 2019)

I was forced to perform oral and other activities and the ones that done those things to me are still around and everyone acts as if nothing happened and it traumatize me even more.
(23 March 2019)

My parents and family didn't do anything about the molestation I kind of became the outcast of the family and until this day those events that happened to me traumatize me.
(23 March 2019)

When I was 5 I was molested by family and the molestation didn't end until I was in high school.
(23 March 2019)

I'm a single mother of a 2 year old, and I'm homeless living in my brothers home.
(23 March 2019)

DHS draft report concludes travel ban not rational

Analysts at the Homeland Security Department’s intelligence arm found insufficient evidence that citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries included in President Donald Trump’s travel ban pose a terr_ Danica:How do I get him to take shorter cooler showers?(24 March 2019) Danica:I know that hes takeing showers to hot because hes always slightly red when he gets out and [...]

I removed my hand but then it was really awkward.
(23 March 2019)

Having a conflict between two girls?
(23 March 2019)

How can I let the first girl down as nicely as possible without causing any drama?
(23 March 2019)

Another girl likes me and I like her back.
(23 March 2019)

Ok so, there s this one girl I ve been to talking to for a while, however we do not really have much in common and I don t feel a connection to her.
(23 March 2019)

A person I knew online died?
(23 March 2019)

She was so kind and sweet, and I just can't move on.
(23 March 2019)

I was a ton younger at the time, and I regret it now.
(23 March 2019)

I feel so sad about her death, and it makes me feel guilty about this petty argument we got into (well one-sided). I just got upset that she didn't respond to me for hours while she was posting and responding to comments.
(23 March 2019)

One day we just stopped talking, and today I found out she died in an accident way after we stopped talking.
(23 March 2019)

Monday, 25 March 2019

Anal Face or Shit Faced? Caption THIS Photo

[image]I’m not sure what face this is. Do you? She’s either constipated or she’s taking one up the butt.What’s your caption? Do you have different faces for everything?_ Magdalen:Last night I made a stupid mistake and we had sex.(23 March 2019) Magdalen:I confronted him about it and he said that the reason we never became official was [...]

And he said he still cared about me and i couldnt see it.
(22 March 2019)

I chewed him out over snap and said we shouldnt talk for a while.
(22 March 2019)

I asked him why and he said he got back with his exgf and we could still hangout.
(22 March 2019)

He then 2 weeks later he removed me on snap.
(22 March 2019)

He told me he cared about me and we talked about doing stuff in the future.
(22 March 2019)

We talked about dating and we decided not to.
(22 March 2019)

He said we couldnt hangout cause they were dating, and we hung out after they broke up.
(22 March 2019)

I helped a guy through a rough time, he broke up with his gf after a bit.
(22 March 2019)

Is there really a difference between age 19 and 20?
(22 March 2019)

Why aren't my parents talking to me after I came back from rehab?
(22 March 2019)

Tuesday Tiptoes Timidly

Good morning from no-longer-raining Southern California!It finally stopped raining around midnight last night, and yes, our creek overflowed but it didn’t really affect me where I am…I am going to b_ Lily:I’m talking women aged 18-35. And I’m not trying to rationalize rape, but false rape accusations like the ones against Kavanaugh are a real problem.(23 [...]

He broke up with me and told me I wasn't what he was looking for.
(22 March 2019)

All of a sudden, he started nit picking at me and some of the things he had told me included I was too fat, I wasn't pretty enough, my skin wasn't clear enough, I wasn't funny enough, my personality wasn't what he was looking for.
(22 March 2019)

I was sweet, beautiful, smart, kind, and had the perfect personality.
(22 March 2019)

I was dating this guy for 5 months and in that time he went from telling me I'm perfect and everything he was looking for.
(22 March 2019)

Why are people mean to me when i present?Are people mean to good presenters and performers too?
(22 March 2019)

So why are my classmates so mean to me only when I'm doing fine in every area.
(22 March 2019)

There people who present terribly and have terrible style and terrible content and people are not mean to them all.
(22 March 2019)

I did ask my evaluator about it and she told me that everything is perfect and I'm doing just fine and I'm worrying unnecessarily.
(22 March 2019)

I used to think that something may be wrong.
(22 March 2019)

Whenever i do people laugh at me and sneer at me which bothers me.
(22 March 2019)


Happy Saturday everyone I know that many of us look forward to the weekends, and well today I wanted to do something very special here as I had a great conversation with someone yesterday and sometim_ Jame:Isn’t this robbing us of our freedom of speech?(23 March 2019) Jame:I finally made friends for once in my life on [...]

I am an adult & would like to surprise my dad with legal adoption papers but I dont want to take his last name.
(21 March 2019)

Whose side would you take?
(21 March 2019)

Who are you more likely to take sides with...
(21 March 2019)

She is extremely narcissistic... Which would you be friends with.. And why?
(21 March 2019)

She also tears down her good looking friends...and shower s herself with beautiful comments.
(21 March 2019)

She thinks it's funny and brags about the amusement.
(21 March 2019)

But she does it anonymous ly, and pretend s to be the quirky she don't get blamed.
(21 March 2019)

She likes to make fun of people, and throw a wrench into their see what will happen.
(21 March 2019)

She comes off as too naive and innocent... The other is calm, calculating, intelligent, but very wicked.
(21 March 2019)

This one, is always trying to do the right thing, and is too nice.
(21 March 2019)


Happy Saturday everyone I know that many of us look forward to the weekends, and well today I wanted to do something very special here as I had a great conversation with someone yesterday and sometim_ Jame:Isn’t this robbing us of our freedom of speech?(23 March 2019) Jame:I finally made friends for once in my life on [...]

I didn't expect to see her in the cafeteria.
(21 March 2019)

So the next morning at school before classes started, I went into the cafeteria and sat with my one of my classmates I knew.
(21 March 2019)

I knew she went to my school, but I haven't saw her before.
(21 March 2019)

I was contemplating about whether I should try to look for her at my school.
(21 March 2019)

So at that point I knew she went to my school.
(21 March 2019)

What I did notice about her was that she wore a shirt that had my school logo.
(21 March 2019)

I feel like something could work out between us.
(21 March 2019)

Occasionally, she would glance at me back too.
(21 March 2019)

She and some volunteers would help run orders for me and I just couldn't help but look at her.
(21 March 2019)

She was volunteering for a fundraiser and did so for about 3 hours.
(21 March 2019)

***Happy Cockplay Monday***

_ Patrica:When am studying, I find my mind wanders off to moments where my awkwardness pushes people away.(22 March 2019) Patrica:I am bombarded with school work, and I have to study everyday for upcoming exams.(22 March 2019) Patrica:Am turning 23 in April, I’ve never had a girlfriend, never been on a date, never had my first kiss, virgin [...]

Its gotten so bad we rarely ever talk now.
(21 March 2019)

Ive already tried talking to her.
(21 March 2019)

If he even looks at her wrong she goes off while my 6 yo can punch her and she will just say oh no honey dont play mean.
(21 March 2019)

While when my 2 yo acts up hes a monster hes fully responsible for any and every action.
(21 March 2019)

No matter what he does its someone elses fault.
(21 March 2019)

More or less my 6 yo can do no wrong in her eyes.
(21 March 2019)

Or that because we use to move a lot hes been abused by that and is acting out because of that.
(21 March 2019)

She blames all my six yo bad behavior on my two yo saying he sees him being bad so he does it too.
(21 March 2019)

She loves my six yo and hates my two yo.
(21 March 2019)

I have one son whos six and one whos two.
(21 March 2019)

Doing A Little Me Maintenance…

Managed to get to the gym again. That is working okay. I’ll be trying to spend a little more time with Gym next week. It is a work in progress. I’m sort of taking it slow and getting my feet wet and w_ Roseanna:I didn’t contact him and he didn’t contact me, he stopped calling.(22 March [...]

What to do if youre tired of getting crushes on guys and it never ends up anywhere?
(21 March 2019)

I dont want to ask a guy out or pursue a man Thats his job And i am tired of crushing on guys who realistically often i acknowledge we cant date or we have nothing in common or i just dont know them period.
(21 March 2019)

The guy I've been seeing threw me out of his house after an argument and now wants me back. Please read?
(21 March 2019)

Advice please. i really missed him.
(21 March 2019)

On top of this hes still in contact with his ex who he loaned money to just 3 weeks ago.
(21 March 2019)

Well he called me a couple days later apologizing and saying that he had too much to drink and over reacted how sorry he is and that he woudl liekt o try again.
(21 March 2019)

So i went home and cried for 2 days.
(21 March 2019)

Well he got mad and told me to leave and that this relationship will not work out.
(21 March 2019)

He stated that i should have known better, This rreally pissed me off and i told him its really wrong of him to blame the me for that and that i couldnt have known better at the time and that hes being really judgment towards me and that hes not perfect.
(21 March 2019)

I was telling him about something that happened to me in the past.
(21 March 2019)

Sunday, 24 March 2019

nine of pentacles

TarotMoment 2-25-17: The Nine of Pentacles: One of the highest markers of success for the materialists among and within us, a prosperous and supportive card to brighten your Saturday. Many Tarot reade_ Toshiko:Is my FWB getting attached?(22 March 2019) Toshiko:And she really puts time and effort into these texts.(22 March 2019) Toshiko:She constantly texts me, sexts me, says [...]

I want to have so much sex all the time without needing the commitment, dinners, having to text back, etc.
(21 March 2019)

I asked him if he can give me a hug I want a hug from him as a friend.
(21 March 2019)

If I broke up with someone, is it possible to get back together?
(21 March 2019)

But i feel so emotionally drained and dead.
(21 March 2019)

He is asking me to be his girlfriend again and I said no.
(21 March 2019)

Is there any way to prevent pregnancy ?
(21 March 2019)

My wife was watching an episode of that I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant last month like her there was a girl who was also on the IUD but ended up having a baby anyway with that show it seems there's no protection.
(21 March 2019)

When we watch the shows like I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant or Teen Mom they make it seem like there's no prevention.
(21 March 2019)

I don't want anything to happen to my wife which is why we're going to try to prevent pregnancy the best we can other than not having sex we don't want to stop doing that.
(21 March 2019)

I'm scared of having more kids with her also her cousin died last month from the flu she was also pregnant also like her she had a bad heart condition and shouldn't be having kids.
(21 March 2019)