Thursday 14 March 2019


At the end of August of last year, my mom was in the hospital for a cellulitis (leg infection) and on IV antibiotics for about a week. She was having a flare of her COPD at the time so the pulmonary d_ Laveta:Every day I tell her that if she doesn’t study she will work at [...]

For example, Easter I fear there will be a get together and my Mom and her three children, all adults, will be excluded.
(11 March 2019)

I also fear if we are 2nd rate that we are being excluded from family events as my Mom still is not as close to them as the others are even though she talks to them again.
(11 March 2019)

I am always worried about if I am 1st rate or if I am always defined by what my mother did 20 years ago.
(11 March 2019)

I am an adult now and I fear what they think of me.
(11 March 2019)

I got to know them and really like them.
(11 March 2019)

As I got to my teen years my Mom matured and reconciled with them.
(11 March 2019)

My Mom made me estranged from her side of the family when I was a kid cause she was bitter.
(11 March 2019)

I think I hurt this girl feelings?
(11 March 2019)

Now, I think she feel bad... Was I wrong?
(11 March 2019)

Once they told me I said that she was musty, that's it.
(11 March 2019)

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