Monday 25 March 2019

Tuesday Tiptoes Timidly

Good morning from no-longer-raining Southern California!It finally stopped raining around midnight last night, and yes, our creek overflowed but it didn’t really affect me where I am…I am going to b_ Lily:I’m talking women aged 18-35. And I’m not trying to rationalize rape, but false rape accusations like the ones against Kavanaugh are a real problem.(23 [...]

He broke up with me and told me I wasn't what he was looking for.
(22 March 2019)

All of a sudden, he started nit picking at me and some of the things he had told me included I was too fat, I wasn't pretty enough, my skin wasn't clear enough, I wasn't funny enough, my personality wasn't what he was looking for.
(22 March 2019)

I was sweet, beautiful, smart, kind, and had the perfect personality.
(22 March 2019)

I was dating this guy for 5 months and in that time he went from telling me I'm perfect and everything he was looking for.
(22 March 2019)

Why are people mean to me when i present?Are people mean to good presenters and performers too?
(22 March 2019)

So why are my classmates so mean to me only when I'm doing fine in every area.
(22 March 2019)

There people who present terribly and have terrible style and terrible content and people are not mean to them all.
(22 March 2019)

I did ask my evaluator about it and she told me that everything is perfect and I'm doing just fine and I'm worrying unnecessarily.
(22 March 2019)

I used to think that something may be wrong.
(22 March 2019)

Whenever i do people laugh at me and sneer at me which bothers me.
(22 March 2019)

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