Sunday 17 November 2019

Adding to Shadows & Sheer ;)

Just a note to say that I am adding to the post titled Shadows & Sheer as I continue to play with editing features. Click here to link —> > Shadows and Sheer .Constructive feedback welc_ Maria:I have been married for 15 years and have 3 children, she doesn’t like them either now. 2 weeks ago [...]

I dont know how to get over this betrayal.
(14 November 2019)

But never gives details as to how.
(14 November 2019)

Shes 16 years old and should know the difference by now.
(14 November 2019)

I told them that no one needs to know where or what Im doing, as all my immediate family already knew. (specifically not their dad). Its none of his business.
(14 November 2019)

I went away to have a surgical procedure done (cosmetic). My parents came to stay with my teen daughter and younger child.
(14 November 2019)

I screamed at 4am in the morning after the 3rd night staying in a room in a house...
(14 November 2019)

I'm so insecure about having sex... advices?
(14 November 2019)

Once I kinda raised this question about sizes, and she said that's not important, what's important is that it's not long like 20cm... She's so sweet and I don't expect her to ditch me about that.
(14 November 2019)

The thing is, I'm insecure about my size, it's only 11cm long, and I'm really nervous about that.
(14 November 2019)

She said she doesn't care about that stuff, and that she doesn't judges people like that.
(14 November 2019)

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