Saturday 8 September 2018

Who are you going to vote for ???

Trump or Clinton…Who’s it gonna be ???_ Rachal:What is the Itinerary that Myrtle beach has?(29 August 2018) Rachal:My husband and I are going to a marriage retreat the army has set up for a weekend and I have never been to a retreat for couseling and what not.(29 August 2018) Tianna:I’m 18 I’m in love, i dont know [...]

And I'm probably over thinking this.
(5 September 2018)

And if I really do die then idk goodbye I guess.
(5 September 2018)

Idc if no one answers I just wanted to get it off of my chest.
(5 September 2018)

This is probably the first time I've cried.My body feels so weak.
(5 September 2018)

I would spend nights up just thinking about what I wanted my future to be like.
(5 September 2018)

I don't want to be paralyzed (which may happen) And I'm not really scared of dying it's just that I had soooo much planned.
(5 September 2018)

And I've just found out I have multiple sclerosis.
(5 September 2018)

I'm 14 about to turn 15 next month.
(5 September 2018)

I never thought I would say this but I'm actually dying.
(5 September 2018)

What do you think of This girl name?
(5 September 2018)

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