Friday 7 September 2018

I lost my Wife to BBC forever. Part 2

I knew I had messed up the earlier discussion and so now Daryl knew that it was Sharon who was interested in him, and the meeting was a bit of a stitch up.On the day in question Sharon suggested that_ Patrick:How to see student names?(29 August 2018) Lakeisha:How to find old yearbooks???(29 August 2018) Trinh:Make sure your thighs [...]

Ever since then things have been different.
(4 September 2018)

We got back from Vegas and she eventually told him the truth.
(4 September 2018)

We advised her to tell her husband because we were not going to keep this from out husbands, and the next morning she kind of told him what happened but not the whole truth.
(4 September 2018)

We hung out whenever we could, we could talk to each other about anything.
(4 September 2018)

We went from friends to best friends quickly.
(4 September 2018)

Anyways, upon meeting her we both had babies that were the same age and we immediately clicked.
(4 September 2018)

I have known her husband for years because my husband and I were high school sweethearts so I met all of his friends a long time ago.
(4 September 2018)

I cant get pregnant?
(4 September 2018)

Would it be creepy to ask for the number of girls on my campus?
(4 September 2018)

Which is better if I should do it at all?
(4 September 2018)

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