Monday 17 September 2018

Mother/Daughter humour, maybe it’s an Irish thing…..

[image]In our family, we all tend to have a rather sick, twisted, often sarcastic sense of humour. I am certain it comes from my Grandpa, who is my mother’s father. He be the Irish one!! He always h_ Chanell:Then the guy starts talking to this pretty white woman.(4 September 2018) Chanell:I see this ghetto looking black guy [...]

She said she only wanted to be friends with me.
(7 September 2018)

In short me and this where becoming good friends and I wanted to talk to her about becoming more then friends.
(7 September 2018)

I'm really upset about coming back from my hometown after only 3 weeks.
(7 September 2018)

Why are my parents so different from other parents? (LONG)?
(7 September 2018)

See image below for the details because they're too long.
(7 September 2018)

What are the chances of this guy coming on to me for an argument if he has previously only found courage when he has his posse infront?
(7 September 2018)

Guys, tell me why I have to live this urban city life with so much stress n tension, still unmarried n jobless,instead go to village....?
(7 September 2018)

I feel guilty about cutting off a friend, advice?
(7 September 2018)

I was a crappy friend in that regard.
(7 September 2018)

My best friend never liked that I got along with her mom, because she hates her... Which I can understand.
(7 September 2018)

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