Monday 17 September 2018

Things that are difficult to say when…

Things that are difficult to say when drunk: 1. Innovative 2. Preliminary 3. Proliferation 4. Cinnamon Things that are very difficult to say when drunk: 1. Specificity 2. Anti-constitutionalistically_ Ivey:I’m very proud of you but also very intimidated… SIGH, but proud… I’ll be giddy proud once I see in practice that you do want me, but [...]

Guys, tell me why I have to live this urban city life with so much stress n tension, still unmarried n jobless,instead go to village....?
(7 September 2018)

I feel guilty about cutting off a friend, advice?
(7 September 2018)

I was a crappy friend in that regard.
(7 September 2018)

My best friend never liked that I got along with her mom, because she hates her... Which I can understand.
(7 September 2018)

Or should I have told her that her daughter ended our friendship?
(7 September 2018)

Was this rude for me to cut off her Mom?
(7 September 2018)

I figured if my best friend doesn't want me in her life, I won't be in it at all.
(7 September 2018)

But I ended up just cutting off the mom, and blocking her on everything without reason.
(7 September 2018)

Well, my best friend ended our friendship last September and basically told me she has hated me for years.. However, she doesn't speak to her mom.
(7 September 2018)

I was friends with my best friend AND her mother.
(7 September 2018)

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