Saturday 8 September 2018

Who are you going to vote for ???

Trump or Clinton…Who’s it gonna be ???_ Rachal:What is the Itinerary that Myrtle beach has?(29 August 2018) Rachal:My husband and I are going to a marriage retreat the army has set up for a weekend and I have never been to a retreat for couseling and what not.(29 August 2018) Tianna:I’m 18 I’m in love, i dont know [...]

But whenever we hang out, he gets nervous.
(5 September 2018)

Totally fine by me, I don't have the patience for a relationship anyway.
(5 September 2018)

I had a guy say he only wanted me for sex, and he didn't want a relationship.
(5 September 2018)

Are Alastair Robert Duncombe's mother and father mother and son?
(5 September 2018)

This would explain his mutant feet.
(5 September 2018)

Is being single a crime?
(5 September 2018)

I'm just wondering if it's crime all of a sudden, and how prison time I will do.
(5 September 2018)

I get asked all the time why I'm single.
(5 September 2018)

What does it mean when a man looks at you sleeping?
(5 September 2018)

I felt weird after seeing him standing there while he was looking at me.
(5 September 2018)

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