Friday 5 April 2019

Her Passionate Desire

Her Passionate Desire scott6250Time slows down to a glacial pace as shecomes riding up to me upon the etherealgolden slipstream of passion and romance.As she stands above me upon the royal throneof wo_ Tena:So i dumped my ex because of his drug use and actually did tell him that i wont support you in doing these [...]

I grabbed his hand and asked what he was doing, but he just ignored me and put his hand back.
(2 April 2019)

But i woke up to feel his hand in my pants.
(2 April 2019)

I thought it was odd, but i ignored it because i thought he was just really tired.
(2 April 2019)

When i talked to him he ignored me and didn't even look at me.
(2 April 2019)

When he came to bed, he was being really touchy towards me (we're both not very touchy towards each other) and he was acting weird.
(2 April 2019)

He smokes but this smelled different.
(2 April 2019)

When he came back in my room he smelled kinda funny.
(2 April 2019)

He went to the bathroom with his backpack and was in there for a while.
(2 April 2019)

When we got tired, we went to my room to go to sleep.
(2 April 2019)

He's 17 and 15. I said yes because i thought it would be fun.
(2 April 2019)

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