Saturday 13 April 2019


It’s Hump Day!!! If you’re a camel, you are really into HUMP Day!!! It’s also the middle of the work week or what I’ve come to call, my “mini” Friday!!Gotta keep it moving…have a great HUMP DAY!!!_ Lennie:Can I open up a Mental Health Clinic, with a drive-thru?(8 April 2019) Marielle:Am I wrong to be angry?(8 April [...]

I'm moving from my parents house in Mobile, AL to West Virginia in six months for a new job and I really want to get this taken care of before then.
(10 April 2019)

How did it even get in there in the first place?
(10 April 2019)

I used the flashlight on my phone to look in there in the mirror but I didn't really see anything?
(10 April 2019)

Is there any easy way to remove the tinnitus at home or do I have to see another doctor?
(10 April 2019)

I've been having symptoms for like a year but I didn't know what it was.
(10 April 2019)

So I went to my doctor's appointment yesterday and my doctor (who's also my father-in-law) told me that I have very bad tinnitus in both of my ears.
(10 April 2019)

How do you get ready for lifelong marriage if you cringe at the idea of sex with a man?
(10 April 2019)

And they both wanted to see me naked and to touch and molest me and take my precious gift which was not for them.
(10 April 2019)

Mentally, sex now reminds me of rape because of the baf experiences I had with men who lied, cheated, took advantage, used me, ruined me, took me for a fool and a toy, treated me as less than nothing.
(10 April 2019)

I know we are not to deny our spouse.
(10 April 2019)

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