Sunday 14 April 2019


One day is’ not enough!_ Bari:He wanted me to come home with him but was adamant that he had no ulterior motives.(9 April 2019) Bari:All we did was makeout at the weekend and when I said no to anything else he was respectful of that.(9 April 2019) Bari:I’m also worried that it could just be him looking for [...]

When she gets older I don't know how to tell her where she came from.
(10 April 2019)

My daughter is 4 months old she's very smart for her age she's starting to crawl already she's smart like I am.
(10 April 2019)

Found my husband text messages with another women , he has been seeing her for the past two months?
(10 April 2019)

Why is my crush a jerk to girls?
(10 April 2019)

At first he used to be really nice to the girls and flirt with them in my face but now all of a sudden rude to them.
(10 April 2019)

Hes not mean to me but to other girls he is and its only when im around.
(10 April 2019)

When im around his voice gets really loud and hes really mean to the girls.
(10 April 2019)

I observed him twice to see if hes just a jerk in general but hes not.
(10 April 2019)

I have a crush on my gym teacher (I'm a junior) and I not sure if I should start making moves now to warm him up until I'm legal?
(10 April 2019)

OR wait until I'm legal THEN start to move in.What do y'all think?
(10 April 2019)

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