Monday 2 July 2018

This Is Not A Joke….

[image]Feel free to share this post…I think the bullies need to know the damage they can do to others with their bullshit comments, posts, contests, petitions, and actions._ Fatimah:I’m 17 and I’ve never got any male attention whatsoever, my friends do but I never do, a boy even told me that I’m the ugly friend in [...]

Shaving your butt Is uncomfortable when it grows back in.
(27 June 2018)

How to comfort a girl when she's scared?
(27 June 2018)

She's so scared she's holding onto me crying.
(27 June 2018)

She hates storms especially at night.
(27 June 2018)

My friend is really scared of the thunderstorm were having tonight.
(27 June 2018)

How to get a guy who is playing hard to get?
(27 June 2018)

I don't want to have to initiate and seem like I'm trying hard when he isn't putting in that much effort.
(27 June 2018)

This has been going on for months and sometimes he doesn't respond for weeks and then snaps me again out of the blue.
(27 June 2018)

Why does it seem like every awesome girl either has a boyfriend, is already talking to a guy, or just got out of a relationship?
(27 June 2018)

I always want to be with my boyfriend but he doesn't?
(27 June 2018)

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