Saturday 14 July 2018

Love to my blog followers

You guys have no idea what an outlet my blog has been for me. It is the best form of release and has helped push me through some tough times. I write because it makes me laugh, it makes me cry, it m_ Hyun:Okay, so there’s this girl in my class who likes my best friend [...]

Not try to convince my parents I wasnt doing anything illegal, or potentially have to open up to them about my feelings.
(12 July 2018)

I just want to go upstairs and sleep.
(12 July 2018)

I cant think of any way to get up to the roof, where id be able to open my unlocked window and climb in, which from my point of view is the only way id be able to get in without my parents or my brothers knowing.
(12 July 2018)

Im 14 my girlfriend and I are fighting and I was upset, so i went to where we had our last date before she moved back in november.
(12 July 2018)

I left the door unlocked, and like an idiot, didnt bring a key to be able to get back in. (My mom wakes up at night and checks the door regularly) I know my parents wont believe me if i tell them that, but i can promise its the truth.
(12 July 2018)

I snuck out an hour and a half ago because of some emotional problems ive been having, sometimes I go to the park just to think, or like this time, cry.
(12 July 2018)

Was it wrong of me to say nothing?
(12 July 2018)

I was so embarrassed after the incident occurred & haven't told anyone about it.
(12 July 2018)

My teacher was staring at the both of us like he knew something had occurred, but just blew it off.
(12 July 2018)

I was so grateful my teacher came back in the classroom when he did, my classmate quickly released his grip when he saw the door opening, my classmate & I were frozen in our positions when the teacher walked in.
(12 July 2018)

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