Monday 2 July 2018

This Is Not A Joke….

[image]Feel free to share this post…I think the bullies need to know the damage they can do to others with their bullshit comments, posts, contests, petitions, and actions._ Fatimah:I’m 17 and I’ve never got any male attention whatsoever, my friends do but I never do, a boy even told me that I’m the ugly friend in [...]

I'm not that bad looking, I go to the gym 5 days a week and am very active outdoors etc.
(28 June 2018)

Every time I try chatting or talking to girls (mostly online) they never seem to want to talk to me or just ignore me.
(28 June 2018)

Help me get over the first girl I had sex with?
(28 June 2018)

I don t find her physically attractive and I didn t ejaculate during sex why am I feeling this way?
(28 June 2018)

For a while I didn t care if she (22) slept with other people but now she s interested in our co worker I m close to and it makes me a little jealous.
(28 June 2018)

I m 20 and had my first time last month.
(28 June 2018)

My wife is very mean to my dog?
(28 June 2018)

Were fighting now and aren't speaking sh's making me sleep downstairs until I apologize.
(28 June 2018)

She said she wants to keep it outside so it wont bother us and she feels I care more about the dog than her.
(28 June 2018)

When I got back I heard my wife yelling at the dog because ti was barking and she threw him in the backyard. (we have a pomeranian) I was VERY upset about this.
(28 June 2018)

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