Monday 2 July 2018

Im In THAT Mood ;)

I’m in the mood to have rough almost animalistic sex, You know the kind of sex that leaves you with sore spots and mild bruises and you have no idea how they got there but it is so worth it Just g_ Stacia:I need a break and I am so desperate to travel with her.(30 June [...]

Another incident, where one day my mom went upstairs to my sister's room and tried to talk to her, but my sister just argued that my mom fights with everyone.
(27 June 2018)

She then asked if my mom wanted to fight, my mom said no.
(27 June 2018)

Keep in mind, the T.V is downstairs while my sister's room is upstairs and my mom is doesn't even have the T.V loud, its just enough so she can hear it.
(27 June 2018)

My sister argued back saying its 10pm at night and everyone is sleeping.
(27 June 2018)

My mom told her that she wanted to watch some shows since she's been at work all day.
(27 June 2018)

My sister completely turned the T.V down saying in an angry manner that she was going to sleep.
(27 June 2018)

Another incident where, my mom came home one nght tired from work, and wanted to watch T.V.
(27 June 2018)

Upon reaching home, my sister goes into my parents room and yells more at my mom.
(27 June 2018)

My mom only called to tell her to come home.
(27 June 2018)

It was around 11pm, and for literally no reason, my sister loses it over the phone with her swearing at my mom, even though there was no logic in her getting angry.
(27 June 2018)

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