Friday 30 March 2018

Whooo….my first offer that I’ve been able to accept….

Yep, I finally might have my first ‘faff around’ on TV set…… I’ve been waiting to be able to go when my daughter has had a part too, and though this morning they offered me something, they hadn_ Camellia:My friend and I work together and we always flirt well I don’t know I’m filrting with but [...]

I found out his car is a 2005 Chevy impala, but I need a credit card to see the rest.
(26 March 2018)

I have the license plate number fxt-1929. Can someone please run this and tell me who the person is?
(26 March 2018)

I do not want to go to the police because I hope it isn't that drastic.
(26 March 2018)

Hello, I have been being stalked by this man for the last few weeks and I am very scared.
(26 March 2018)

Do you guys think I should shave my head?
(26 March 2018)

My friend told me that if he was in my shoes he'd shave off all his hair so then his parents wouldn't be able to put weave or perms in it anymore.
(26 March 2018)

If I want to wear anything else I'm not allowed to leave the house and I'm constantly told how bad and ugly I look natural.
(26 March 2018)

So, my parents hate the texture of my hair and they only allow me to wear perms, a straight weave or box braids.
(26 March 2018)

So, my parents are very strict and basically control everything I put on my body, everything I do to my body, and also what I can wear.
(26 March 2018)

Does a child therapy session usually include parents in the room?
(26 March 2018)

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