Saturday 24 March 2018

Premature Ejaculation

The last woman I fucked, I lasted super long. I was kind of drunk and I always last longer when I’m drunk. She actually said, “I slayed her pussy.” Well you gotta love when your performa_ Kyle:Is it weird that my dad dates girls around my age?(21 March 2018) Danelle:Should I settle?(21 March 2018) Danelle:I’m beginning to feel [...]

I have and 'intense' situation?
(20 March 2018)

I personally have spoken to him once or twice but basic conversations.
(20 March 2018)

I am well you could say majorly crushing on someone and well I am literally to scared or nervous to speak to him. he is also quite shy and doesn't speak to many people.
(20 March 2018)

How can I let go of emotional hurt?
(20 March 2018)

I want to have a happy adult life and move on from the hurt that I have been through and I know that I have to let go of my hurt and hatred to do that but the question is how?
(20 March 2018)

Is this girl playing games with me or am I just being a little bich?
(20 March 2018)

Does grounding children count as child abuse?
(20 March 2018)

I'm 13 years old and my father took away all my stuff, even my bed, does that count as child abuse?
(20 March 2018)

No need to be rude to each other.
(20 March 2018)

I think everyone has their deal breakers, for some political beliefs are strong and can be, others religion, others something completely different.
(20 March 2018)

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