Tuesday 20 March 2018

For anyone with a

Just showin off the talent…_ Noemi:I’m going to ask a female coworker to hang out soon. Any tips or advice?(15 March 2018) Noemi:The hardest part might be that it will be hard to find a time to even talk first because of work..(15 March 2018) Noemi:I also don’t want it to sound like a date.(15 March 2018) Noemi:She is [...]

I've always been pro-choice, but the concept of abortion never sat well with me at all.
(16 March 2018)

That sounds like something out of a horror movie.
(16 March 2018)

Why is it acceptable to chop the back of its neck open and chop into its brain in order to kill it?
(16 March 2018)

Why is it acceptable to kill it as long as the head isn't out?
(16 March 2018)

If it's being delivered, why not just take it out and give it a fighting chance?
(16 March 2018)

The most common procedure requires the baby to be delivered in breech position all the way up to the neck.
(16 March 2018)

But especially at this stage of pregnancy, I don't think it's ethically valid to cause unimaginable suffering to an infant.
(16 March 2018)

Wouldn't a woman who has carried her baby to that late in the pregnancy want her child to have the best chance instead of just killing them?
(16 March 2018)

Why not just deliver the baby and put it in the NICU?
(16 March 2018)

Why is it acceptable to kill the infant at this point when it can suffer?
(16 March 2018)

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