Saturday 10 March 2018

…In Which Ginger Confesses Her Sin

My dear readers, I recently stumbled into the most tantalizing of situations. I won’t go into the horridly long details, but suffice it to say, I should always trust my instincts.In this case, my i_ Tarra:But idk how I feel about her, I miss the memories we had together and the good times.(3 March 2018) Tarra:But she [...]

What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
(6 March 2018)

My favorites are the Chinese restaurant, Wendy's, Popeye's, KFC, and McDonald's.
(6 March 2018)

Does a c section kills nerves that bring sexual satisfaction?
(6 March 2018)

Why does he like my photos but doesn't text?
(6 March 2018)

He never texts though and he's not shy.
(6 March 2018)

He likes pictures of me and my younger cousins and sisters and dog and bird.
(6 March 2018)

What do i wear to my aunt's wedding PLEASE HELP!?
(6 March 2018)

It's gonna be at a venue so it's outside . The whether is very unpredictable so i don't want to wear anything too cold or hot.
(6 March 2018)

She drinks water , kool aid and milk sometimes tea.
(6 March 2018)

She's been making healthy dinners every night she hasn't been eating much fried food either except french fries once in a while.
(6 March 2018)

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