Monday 7 October 2019

Nacho Loves Canela Skin

Directed By: Nacho VidalRuntime: 2 hours 44 minutesRelease Date: June 28, 2017Cast: Alexa Tomas, Canela Skin, Susy Gala, Juan Lucho, Nacho VidalIn “Nacho Loves Canela Skin,” porn madman Nach_ Kathlene:IM NOT ASKING HOW TO MAKE FRIENDS. im asking how do i go from being seen as an obnoxous guy, who everyone talks about, to being someone [...]

What are the most boring names in your opinion?
(2 October 2019)

To me James and Elizabeth are extremely boring.
(2 October 2019)

Why do I have no interest in anything?
(2 October 2019)

I don't enjoy doing anything and my life is so dull.
(2 October 2019)

I get tired dragging myself to do everything.
(2 October 2019)

Girl from hs?
(2 October 2019)

I weigh more than my boyfriend?
(2 October 2019)

What does it mean when a guy tells you that he broke up with his girlfriend and dates you? is he playing with me?
(2 October 2019)

I don't understand why he would say he love her when he wanted to cheat with him.
(2 October 2019)

I found out he and his girlfriend didn't break up. i broke it off with him. he then told his girlfriend that he loved her.
(2 October 2019)

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