Monday 14 October 2019

Genuine problem…

Wife feels men are kind of exploitative breed who need to be kept away (except her hubby, of course). So she gives a damn to those who flirt with her. In fact, has a bit of contempt for them. Now, thi_ Jodi:As a wedding guest, is it appropriate to wear a white tie on top of [...]

I recently got a boyfriend and I've noticed my boyfriend gets a bit quiet when I say I'm hanging out with my guy friend.
(9 October 2019)

I've been friends with a guy for 10 years and we have always hung out a few times a week and he's been a really close friend of mine.
(9 October 2019)

How would you get through getting falsely accused of something?
(9 October 2019)

I'm trying not to break down crying or breaking something.
(9 October 2019)

I just want to know how what you get through the ordeal mentally.
(9 October 2019)

If I explain what happened to me, there's likely a chance I won't be believed since I'm a guy and a woman is instantly believed.
(9 October 2019)

Im not allowed to date, but a guy i like asked me to homecoming. how can i tell my parents to let me go as friends?
(9 October 2019)

I come from a muslim family but my mom is pretty lenient to this stuff, as opposed to my dad. help?
(9 October 2019)

I think i should tell me parents to let me go with him as friends but i am really not sure how they would react.
(9 October 2019)

Have u ever felt ur husband and his kids he has most custody of, just aint gonna be ur family, even tho u share a child too and all that?
(9 October 2019)

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