Thursday 24 October 2019

The end game

That post about “Get busy living or get busy dying” had a point to it, but I wanted to make things clear.In this postMsO, Missy and I are going to commit to a closed Triad.And I will add ano_ Debra:If anybody knows ways to make better friends or to make them like me more pls tell [...]

Then he turned into one of the cash register aisles and went outside instead of going straight, which it seemed he was originally going.
(21 October 2019)

When I was walking to go to one of the cash registers, he turned out one of the aisles, and sort of stopped when he saw me.
(21 October 2019)

This weekend I was there again, as was he.
(21 October 2019)

We ended up walking past each other and my sister said when he passed us he started at us and then stared down at the ground.
(21 October 2019)

About a month ago I was there and so was he.
(21 October 2019)

So the guy I like works at the grocery store down the street from my house where I go a lot.
(21 October 2019)

Why is my son an attention seeker? He says he has depression?
(21 October 2019)

Therefore, he does not have depression since he did not get it from any of us.
(21 October 2019)

I was play fighting with my 5 year old male cousin, and i train in jiujitsu,am i a bad person? ( it was all in good fun and gentle)?
(21 October 2019)

I have been having nausea mild cramps and headaches for over 2 weeks now I thought it was PMS but it's been too long. HELP PLZ?
(21 October 2019)

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