Sunday 11 August 2019

Experiments with my dick (warning dick pics not very good but still)

Like most men I have a penis and like most men I get spam emails about “Natural male enhancement” pills and devices. Usually I just delete everything in my spam folder and move on with my life like a_ Queenie:So my brothers stopped talking to my mom entirely after she came out as gay to my [...]

So i keep my mouth shut, but this only leads to more.
(8 August 2019)

That if I bring up the past then hes done and he is leaving.
(8 August 2019)

When i try to talk about them he will tell me that I either forget or that we are done and over.
(8 August 2019)

I dont know how to get over them.
(8 August 2019)

I resent him because of so many things, both present and past.
(8 August 2019)

Do you think most girls have a need to look and feel sexy?
(8 August 2019)

Guys find their self worth in their accomplishments and their efforts.
(8 August 2019)

For a larger part, this is not so true with guys.
(8 August 2019)

I feel so pissed that my friend would betray me like that and not even talk to me about it but with my sister.
(8 August 2019)

I only know this bc my sister told me and she got it from my friend who is fooling around with my ex.
(8 August 2019)

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