Tuesday 27 August 2019

It’s Been A Minute

I haven’t been on here.Even let my membership expire, as there were way too many fake profiles to weed through. And even then, starting up dead end conversations with people on here just talking the t_ Shera:Okay, so here s what s been going on.(25 August 2019) Janell:Name ideas for a third boy?(25 August 2019) Janell:Any good name [...]

Relationships are better than friendships.
(24 August 2019)

Friendships are overrated and friends come a dime a dozen.
(24 August 2019)

Why do they act like all we want to do is be friends with them?
(24 August 2019)

Is she right or could he still be into me?
(24 August 2019)

My friend says that he's probably not interested in anything other than friendship because he had an opportunity to make a move and didn't and he doesn't always come out when I ask.
(24 August 2019)

He invited other people to stay too but I was the only who stayed.
(24 August 2019)

When I was too tired to go home from his house, he let me stay over but had me sleep in a different room than him.
(24 August 2019)

Yet he does hang out most times when I ask unless he's too tired or busy.
(24 August 2019)

He never laid a hand on me and has never engaged in any sort of touching with me ever.
(24 August 2019)

I was hanging out with this guy I like at his house.
(24 August 2019)

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