Friday 9 November 2018

Cuckold guy RETURNS!!!

After having his profile deactivated, this guy got himself a new username and some new porn pics, which I guess he assumed I wanted to see. He’s been reported and blocked again.[image1][image2]_ Charlott:Also which person do you have more respect for between Jan or Kim.(4 November 2018) Charlott:Jan: She is a schoolteacher who shows favoritism towards the [...]

What do people think about a 19 year old dating a 16 year old? dating for two years now?
(8 November 2018)

How to appease furious wife ? 5 months and wants to divorce?
(8 November 2018)

Please advise on how to appease her and get her back.
(8 November 2018)

She's also letting her self and health really down..she lost alot of weight.
(8 November 2018)

She won't her excuses or promises, yet she always acts like she wants to come back but never does.
(8 November 2018)

I do love her and she's the most important person in my life.
(8 November 2018)

I know what ppl might think but i also got assaulted by her two brothers and it almost ended in a gun fight and thats when things started nose diving.
(8 November 2018)

Its was my fault since i intentionly mistreated her and hit her a few times while making threats etc.
(8 November 2018)

To us, having different classes basically mean that we wont see each other very often, at most once a week and maybe even once a month.
(8 November 2018)

During the middle of the year, my boyfriend and I had decided to choose the afternoon stream as to be able to sleep in more, at that time we had decided to move in together however that plan has been put onto the back burner.
(8 November 2018)

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