Friday 16 November 2018


Note to future self: Tequila is a liar. You do not sound exactly like Axl Rose & the people at karaoke will not catch you if you stage dive_ Youlanda:Although I do believe in God, I also believe logically that we should move Or Just me.(12 November 2018) Youlanda:We have a week to get out or get [...]

Does this woman at work probably have SEVERE brain damage?
(15 November 2018)

She said something I couldn't understand and then straight up ran into the building.
(15 November 2018)

Last week we were coming into the office at the same time and she stopped and waited for me until I got to the door.
(15 November 2018)

The problem is that she whispers all the time and I can't understand half the things that come out of her mouth.
(15 November 2018)

She follows me around and we take the elevator together sontimes.
(15 November 2018)

Pretty sure she has a crush on me.
(15 November 2018)

If a group 6 aquainatnces make fun of me from time to time but they also treat me well sometimes are they bullies?
(15 November 2018)

They are people who live with me at the dorm.
(15 November 2018)

I don't understand why girls hate me ? Why can't I get them as a girlfriend or even a friend ? Please help me before I loose hope . Help?
(15 November 2018)

I maybe irritating because I play foosball with people in the office without them calling me.
(15 November 2018)

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