Sunday 9 September 2018

ROMA - AMOR - Kurz vor einer Reise nach Rom

NIHIL TIBI ROMA - Ich gebe es ja zu, ich bin einer von diesen alten Humanisten mit großem Latrinium und Grätze Noch eine gute Woche, und ich werde für einige Zeit in Rom sein. Köstliche Speisen ve_ Anisha:Or if you have some of the same things in common?(31 August 2018) Anisha:If you actually like some of the [...]

And he followed her back on facebook again after I unfollowed her on his acc.
(6 September 2018)

He looked at her posts on fb but not mine and keeps deleting his instagram history.
(6 September 2018)

Recently she liked two of his posts now it feels he s obsessing over that.
(6 September 2018)

He s had her on insta and fb for forever, still does but he s doesnt acknowledge her anymore ever since then.
(6 September 2018)

Anyway, I moved in with him 1year and half ago, we ve been dating.
(6 September 2018)

He barely even knew her and acted like she broke his heart.
(6 September 2018)

I(22yo)met him(37yo) through my older sister, which he was compelety obsessed with but she denied him.
(6 September 2018)

Doesn't the New York Times op prove there's a deep state?
(6 September 2018)

Trump has been talking about a deep state or shadow government (whatever you wanna call it) undermining him for a while now and it was dismissed as nonsense.
(6 September 2018)

I used to dismiss it as a conspiracy theory but it looks to me like they just admitted they exist.
(6 September 2018)

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