Saturday 1 September 2018

Deeper Intimacy

Some men need to be physical in order to love emotionally. Some women need to be loved emotionally to love physically. Intimacy is not purely physical it’s the act of connecting with someone so deeply_ Jenette:I don t like to have friends stand me out and don t like to hang out so much.(31 August 2018) Jenette:I [...]

My grandson is 19 years old and he has a cyst on his face.
(29 August 2018)

Pretty sure this one girl does not like me because i never talk to her?
(29 August 2018)

Should i apologize and tell her to not take offense because thats just who i am when im at work?
(29 August 2018)

Now she just has given up.. but she does talk to me normally when its work related... ive always been like this with certain people aswell, so its nothing new but i do not know what to do.
(29 August 2018)

She has tried talking to me before, but i just either do something dumb or give her short answers.
(29 August 2018)

Pbviously, i know she doesnt care half as nuch as i do about this but it bothers me.
(29 August 2018)

While she, pretty sure spends more time hanging with people during the week than she does working.
(29 August 2018)

I dont hang with anybody.. Thats why i worry about dumb stuff like this.
(29 August 2018)

My world has been small for a long time.. its just me, home, work, home.
(29 August 2018)

Truth is, i never know what to say, and im pretty sure she thinks i hate her or something.
(29 August 2018)

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