Wednesday 4 July 2018

synposium post teacher

[image]If you stand up for something you believe inIf you kneel down and to help another person stand up If you sit without talking next to someone who is mourningOr talk to someone who most people ne_ Vonnie:He is supposed to come visit and stay with me for a couple days on our anniversary in October [...]

Why do girls look at me as if I'm weird and a creep?
(2 July 2018)

Why is my mom lazy?
(2 July 2018)

I love my mom but I feel like she is too lazy for her own good.
(2 July 2018)

And whenever I try helping her find a job or ask her if she needs help to clean or something she just cusses me out.
(2 July 2018)

My older brother and I also work part time to help pay all the bills.
(2 July 2018)

My dad works two jobs and comes home exhausted to a messy house and no food.
(2 July 2018)

She knows that our family is struggling but still acts lazy.
(2 July 2018)

She stays at home and does nothing, doesnt cook or clean.
(2 July 2018)

Don t get me wrong, I love my mom but her laziness is really bugging me.
(2 July 2018)

Is the problem him or my family?
(2 July 2018)

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