Wednesday 4 July 2018

Sleepy sex

[image]The best way of waking up…is coffee in your cup? Nah……not for me. The best way for me to wake up is waking up by being fucked slowly…..mmmm…nothing betterHonestly, I am so tired in th_ Felicitas:My husband has a lot of health issues.(4 July 2018) Felicitas:My husband is retired, and I work full time.(4 July 2018) Felicitas:She and [...]

I said that is ok but that i have to be selfish too and walk away.
(30 June 2018)

But she wants to be selfish and date around.
(30 June 2018)

We talked today and she told me she likes me, is attracted to me and has feelings for me.
(30 June 2018)

We then agreed i have to think things over if I want to keep seeing her.
(30 June 2018)

On tuesday I mentioned about becoming exclusive and she said she isn't sure if she wants to be in a relationship and that we are moving too fast.
(30 June 2018)

Finally today things kinda blew up.
(30 June 2018)

Four days later she hits me saying she wants to try again.
(30 June 2018)

So much so that after our first date she said she wasant ready and said if a great guy like you cant get me to want a relationship im not ready.
(30 June 2018)

Prior to going out on the dates she had rejected my efforts to got out because she kept stating she wasant ready.
(30 June 2018)

Long story short I began dating this girl this month 4 dates total.
(30 June 2018)

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