Thursday 12 October 2017

You’re Never Too Old…

You’re never too old to throw random shit into people’s shopping carts, when they are not looking!!!_ Velvet:We have joint custody but currently are doing 5 days then 2 days.(10 October 2017) Hannah:He said he wouldn’t allow himself to have feelings but if this were the case and if it were me i wouldn’t even look at [...]

I already took PT 2x and the result was both negative.
(10 October 2017)

He didn t ejaculate inside me and he said he didn t pre ejaculate either.
(10 October 2017)

I had a sex with my partner and I was on my 6th day period.
(10 October 2017)

Is he just really nice or.?
(10 October 2017)

But now I'm starting to wonder if he might like me or if he's simply a really cool dude.
(10 October 2017)

Today, he gave me a sketchbook, a sharpener, and a box of graphite pencils.
(10 October 2017)

Another day, in geometry he saw that I was finishing up a drawing and was really nice and complimented it.
(10 October 2017)

Okay, I got off topic, it's just he compliments me a lot In our photoshop class-- probably because I actually understand it-- but we don't talk much other than when he needs help.
(10 October 2017)

Anyways, seeing my lack in love life, it's pretty obvious why I'm.. really oblivious to any form of signs.
(10 October 2017)

But it's high school now, i go to a new school and live in a new country. ..However, I'm also a freshman, which to save your time basically means I know nothing of what goes around here.
(10 October 2017)

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