Saturday 28 October 2017

Preference for the ladies

Do you prefer a man to be…..Please elaborate._ Mirtha:I have not gotten my period this month so I am very worried.(27 October 2017) Mirtha:I used a condom and I am on the pill, I did initially had my period after the encounter.(27 October 2017) Mirtha:I had sex a few weeks ago with someone at my university.(27 October 2017) Mirtha:I [...]

I'm afraid that it will die on me before I have the money to get a new phone.
(24 October 2017)

The worst problem is that it can't hold a charge for longer than 12 hours.
(24 October 2017)

I've had it for so long and it's been having problems.
(24 October 2017)

Not because I want a fancy phone or the newest version out there, only because my 6 year old flip phone is dying.
(24 October 2017)

The problem that I'm having right now is that I need a new phone.
(24 October 2017)

I've been searching for MONTHS but luckily I'm going to a job fair tomorrow.
(24 October 2017)

I am 20 years old and I'm currently looking for work.
(24 October 2017)

They are being noisy. I have to get up at 5:30am. How should I handle this?
(24 October 2017)

Am I selfish for being mad that they won't keep it down when I have to wake up for work in six hours?
(24 October 2017)

Now a few other family members have shown up and they're all being loud in the kitchen.
(24 October 2017)

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