Thursday 26 October 2017

Monochrome Monday

Phew, made it threw the Easter Holiday. I had lots of family fun! But, today it’s Monochrome Monday and it’s time to come back to kinky! Let me know which photos you like?[image][image2][image3][imag_ McKenzie:She says she sees a future with him, but she also sees one with me.(25 October 2017) McKenzie:But she went through a rebound relationship [...]

My Dad likes to mock my disabilities in his arrogant way. He is an extremely arrogant person. How do I respond?
(23 October 2017)

His arrogance is the size of the Atlantic Ocean.
(23 October 2017)

I have dreams about guy A and sometimes I think about him randomly. what do i do.
(23 October 2017)

I don't want to break up with guy B but.... my heart is lingering with guy A.
(23 October 2017)

But... Guy A came back and told me he loves me.
(23 October 2017)

He loves me and I know my life with him would be perfect.
(23 October 2017)

But, he left for the Navy and he and I stopped talking.
(23 October 2017)

Guy A and I dated a few times, off and on for two years.
(23 October 2017)

How do I know when my Mom is lying to me?
(23 October 2017)

Had a Missed Miscarrage. What happens now?
(23 October 2017)

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