Thursday 7 September 2017

The highs and lows

I’ve been on this site now for a couple of months and I am having some fun with the guys I’ve met. I just wish that it was easier to find guys willing to do group and threesomes. I like one on one and_ Nicky:I even remember that my brother & I ( hes two years [...]

I am trying to be the best wife I can be, I have let go of the past and want to fix my marriage, How can I do this when he pushes me away.
(5 September 2017)

I am trying to learn to manage my temper.
(5 September 2017)

I know I am partly to blame for our problems.
(5 September 2017)

He hardly calls or texts, We have good days where we meet up and talk and I think we are making progress and then the next day its back 3 steps, I am trying to be patient but this is consuming me.
(5 September 2017)

I understand that and that we can't fix it overnight.
(5 September 2017)

He says he doesn't want a divorce but needs time bc I hurt him.
(5 September 2017)

I took him and my marriage for granted, But now he is like not letting us fix it.
(5 September 2017)

I realized how much I love him and I have been trying to show him.
(5 September 2017)

I went to therapy and I am trying to fix my depression and anxiety disorder.
(5 September 2017)

I am trying to support him and be more caring and affectionate.
(5 September 2017)

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