Wednesday 27 September 2017

Happy Birthday!!

A Shout Out to Jerry Lewis…It’s his 90th birthday!_ Juana:Just know that it isn t for nothing this changing that I m becoming a better person to better our relationship and salvage this.(26 September 2017) Juana:I want to show her that I m changed and changed for good I know I m grabbing at strings here but [...]

I know he doesn't have a girlfriend.
(19 September 2017)

Im in love with my bestfriend but she doesnt love me back but insist on staying in my life what should i do?
(19 September 2017)

I asked why she was mad since i knew this girl before i had met her in the first place and she had already rejected me.
(19 September 2017)

She found out one night that a girl that she didnt like was going to come over to my house to hang out and she got mad at me.
(19 September 2017)

She would constantly text me and call but i wouldnt answer i finally replied when i came back from christmas break and we would talk.
(19 September 2017)

I didnt talk to her for about a month.
(19 September 2017)

She was kind of mad that i told her because she didnt want our friendship to get hurt.
(19 September 2017)

Has a son ever spied or recorded on you during an intimate moment? What happened and how did you handle it?
(19 September 2017)

I know he is just a boy, but I am concerned my husband will find out and be mad.
(19 September 2017)

How should I handle this behavior?
(19 September 2017)

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