Monday 25 September 2017

Where is my golden shower girl?

I have a golden shower fantasy. I know it takes a special kind of girl for that type of thing though. But I also know she is out there somewhere. I just want to find that girl who will kneel in fro_ Elvira:Im court ordered to attends substamce abuse counseling, regular counseling and also employment services [...]

I was mortified he immediately exited.
(18 September 2017)

So my dad walks( thinking the exam was over)in and sees me completely naked.
(18 September 2017)

So today I had my physical exam at the hospital and I was changing out of the gown things.
(18 September 2017)

Why does she avoid eye contact like this but looks at me away?
(18 September 2017)

We had a moment of looking at each other then I noticed when crossing paths we both avoided eye contact she looked down to the right.
(18 September 2017)

I am in S1 and there is a boy in my class. He is really hot. How do I get him to ask me out?
(18 September 2017)

Should I tell my ex I want him back?
(18 September 2017)

Im not sure how he feels about me now.
(18 September 2017)

Should I tell him I want him back or would I be wasting my time?
(18 September 2017)

He has also said we should have a baby but as soon as I d ask to talk about it he would brush it off.
(18 September 2017)

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