Monday 21 August 2017

This is to “Thank you.”

This is to “Thank you.” Thank you all for the over 100 views of my profile on a typical day, and that does not even count the people who choose to “hide” the fact they looked. When I first came to th_ Brandi:Then, a few months after the death, he announced he was dating one of [...]

She spiraled out of control for like a year.
(18 August 2017)

She then left me to be with the guy then less then a year she divorced me while she dated other men.
(18 August 2017)

Are baths really sitting in your own wet dirt?
(18 August 2017)

I shower twice a day and sometimes i like to put some music on and turn the lights off and just light some scented vanilla sticks for i can sit in my warm wet bath and just relax for a little bit.
(18 August 2017)

But I do get stressed at times due to school and other important things in my life.
(18 August 2017)

Listen before ya'll comment I work,volunteer,and clean,cook so whenever my parents are home from work they got food prepared on the table i'm the type of person who doesn't like to sit around and do nothing and that's how my parents raised me.
(18 August 2017)

How do you stop crushing on a friend?
(18 August 2017)

I really don t want to distance him or start associating him with negative things because he is truly very important to me, but I want to get rid of my feelings so everything is normal between us.
(18 August 2017)

Plus, his ex is now studying in the US and he s talking about going to visit her over reading break, which makes me feel like they might get back together.
(18 August 2017)

I m a university student, so that s four months of no face to face interaction.
(18 August 2017)

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