Wednesday 23 August 2017

Barefoot vs Shoes

When a girl is “naked” or “nude” this should include all clothes, pants, bra…. everything. (In my view, it should also include pubic hair…. all of it….. if you want to displayThere’s no better w_ Diana:I sent him a text explaining how I felt and he completely blew up at me and told me I was [...]

I'm about to move and I'm 23 years old.
(20 August 2017)

Is it normal to hate your ex long after the relationship is over?
(20 August 2017)

I just wanted it to work so bad that I hate her for ruining it.
(20 August 2017)

I have no serious interest in getting back with her and I want to move on and forget her but I can't help feeling resentment towards her anytime she crosses my mind.
(20 August 2017)

When we broke up she lied about having cancer to try to get me to stay with her.
(20 August 2017)

I thought about trying to get back with her (but that was mainly loneliness). I wanted the relationship to work so bad but she kept getting worse.
(20 August 2017)

We've been broke up for nearly 2 years now.
(20 August 2017)

So me and my ex dated for about 16 months.
(20 August 2017)

Am I deserving of love?
(20 August 2017)

How do I know if I'm deserving of love or if I'm doomed to be someone who can't find the right person?
(20 August 2017)

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