Tuesday 29 August 2017

Removing My Bra Causes me to be a cock sucker.

Removing My Bra Brings Out The in me. For some strange reason when at a party with guys and I remove my bra. I get this sudden urge to suck on all the men’s cocks. Sometimes the urge is so grea_ Theda:I understand keeping the sex offender away but not anyone else and the sex offender [...]

I'm 17 and he's 19. Anyhow we were just talking on Facebook and he asked more about me so he knows I don't have a bf or gf.
(27 August 2017)

I'm a guy so you know, but neither of us is out of the closest to anyone at work.
(27 August 2017)

A guy I work with, who I don't really like personality wise or looks wise is kind of hitting on me.
(27 August 2017)

Do u think these earbuds look like there for girls?
(27 August 2017)

How might we prove that God is imaginary?
(27 August 2017)

In fact, if you pray for anything that is impossible, your prayer will always go unanswered.
(27 August 2017)

Your prayer will go unanswered, in direct defiance to Jesus' promises in the Bible.
(27 August 2017)

Will Jesus answer the prayer now?
(27 August 2017)

We have fulfilled every one of Jesus' requirements.
(27 August 2017)

Now, we certainly have two or more people gathered together, and they have asked in Jesus' name, and we have not one but a million faithful believers who, by definition, have faith and believe.
(27 August 2017)

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