Saturday 5 January 2019

Gigi star

The weather had become unseasonably hot, and working in unair-conditioned hotel rooms was uncomfortable. Loewe was at the piano while Lerner was indisposed in the bathroom, and when the former began playing a melody the latter liked, he later recalled he jumped up, “[his] trousers still clinging to [his] ankles, and made his way to […]

She's been really depressed since he died he was her best friend talking about him isn't helping either.
(30 December 2018)

He passed away last year she keeps wishing it was her instead of him.
(30 December 2018)

She said she wants him so bad but he can't be here.
(30 December 2018)

Every time we try to calm her down try to talk to her she gets even more upset.
(30 December 2018)

My wife is in the hospital having our first baby she's really upset because her brother isn't here to see her.
(30 December 2018)

Sleep troubles with partner-what to do and why its annoying me?
(30 December 2018)

He is never far behind but he moves his arm around the bes to check if im there.
(30 December 2018)

Its like he wakes up on command.
(30 December 2018)

Just want some peace and quiet to myself.
(30 December 2018)

My partner wakes up as soon as i move an inch from the bed and its so annoying.
(30 December 2018)

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