Monday 24 December 2018

Accused sex scene

Kaplan wanted the rape victim character to be front and center with the lawyer, while the script also had the pool table similar from the real life incident , but the producers were concerned of being sued, so it was changed to a pinball machine. Visit Prime Video to explore more titles. In hac habitasse […]

Do you think physical or emotional cheating is worse? See my breakdown below?
(24 December 2018)

However, they both are in relationships.
(24 December 2018)

They reconnected a year ago, haven't had sex, still have a bond, text inside jokes and deep down, talk here and there and have love for each other.
(24 December 2018)

Emotional Cheating - They had an emotional connection and sex with the person about 10 years ago but the relationship didn't work and both moved on.
(24 December 2018)

They were both in relationships when the cheating took place.
(24 December 2018)

After these episodes, they never hook up again and could care less what each other does in the future.
(24 December 2018)

Physical Cheating - The person physically cheats with someone they don't have feelings for a couple of times.
(24 December 2018)

Can you ask a doctor to call your partner to tell them your results of a pregnancy test. Is that against a code or something?
(24 December 2018)

Is it against a code or something?
(24 December 2018)

Boyfriend's annoying friend wants him to be their baby's god father?
(24 December 2018)

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