Sunday 5 August 2018

Operating Systems as Beers

DOS Beer — Requires you to use your own can opener, and requires you to read the directions carefully before opening the can. Originally only came in an 8-oz. can, but now comes in a 16-oz. can. Howe_ Lorita:Should this be reported?(29 July 2018) Lorita:Is there anything more I should do?(29 July 2018) Lorita:I told this to my [...]

He works fulltime and is really sweet.
(2 August 2018)

They also hate him because I make more money than him.
(2 August 2018)

They said I m so outgoing that he will only hold me back.
(2 August 2018)

I also worked 3rd shift so I couldn t make plans, but they say I didn t make plans because he is shy.
(2 August 2018)

They believe he is the reason I stopped going to church.
(2 August 2018)

Me and my ex fiancee want to get back together.
(2 August 2018)

What age difference separates traditional relationships from a sugarbaby relationship?
(2 August 2018)

So how young does a woman dating say a 45 year old guy have to be to make it a sugarbaby relationship?
(2 August 2018)

In traditional relationships, men also provide for women, so the only real difference is age.
(2 August 2018)

I've never dated a girl and i'm 31 years old now... Blue sky : I'm still single...I'm sad...When i show a video of me, women almost don't tell me if i'm ugly or not...I'd like some women to find me attractive...
(2 August 2018)

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