Sunday 26 August 2018

What do you like on your subs?

OK. So I was just asked. To become a subSeems. Where we are. With my BSI can get a. Substitute teacher licenseHah. You probs thought I meant. A thing for seamanOh hells no! Or. A sandwich. Like a $5 f_ Maple:Politics: What do you know about these users?(23 August 2018) Karan:My boyfriend talks a lot about his [...]

Am I being petty or a right to feel hurt?
(22 August 2018)

I'm talking EVERYTHING. am I being petty or is there some validity to my feelings?
(22 August 2018)

The last 3 days he has been bringing EVERYTHING home that the moving neighbors put out for free.
(22 August 2018)

I moved in with my boyfriend about 6 months ago.
(22 August 2018)

Is it rational to make a huge life altering mistake in order to mature?
(22 August 2018)

Oh I can just see it now I am really really fooling around with the idea and there is a fella that just might take the bait.
(22 August 2018)

I am too old to be so innocent inexperienced at 27 surely I must relocate enter into a loveless marriage, be amorous, have a divorce after being tired of faking it until I make it.
(22 August 2018)

I feel like I can't make friends since I suck at talking first since I have nothing to say but once I get to know someone a little I talk more if that makes any sense.
(22 August 2018)

But there was this one girl in the class who I thought was pretty cute but she came in late so she across the room but we made eye contact a few times.
(22 August 2018)

It was English Comp. 1 so not everyone is majoring in the same thing.
(22 August 2018)

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