Sunday 8 July 2018

For those who need it. mail box.

If you have something to tell me please leave it here. Being standard means no message can be read._ Leigha:I feel so uncomfortable when we’re in the house at the same time.(29 June 2018) Leigha:She acts all innocent outside and I’m pretty sure she talks bad about me to mutual people we know and no one knows [...]

How to dominate being on the top?
(5 July 2018)

How do I make him love me bein on the top so much.
(5 July 2018)

I know I am doing good on the top and I know he is enjoying it but how can I be so freaking good at being on the top during sex.
(5 July 2018)

I have been on the top both times but we have alternated positions.
(5 July 2018)

I am in this new thing with this guy that i really like.
(5 July 2018)

Is it rude to ask to invite another friend to hangout if they don't know each other?
(5 July 2018)

Or would I have to have them meet first before putting them in my car together?
(5 July 2018)

Would it weird to have them together if they don't know each other?
(5 July 2018)

But Shelly and Tonya don't know each other.
(5 July 2018)

So I technically could have invited Shelly.
(5 July 2018)

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