Sunday 20 May 2018

My Transgender story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It feels to me that all of us are born with a certain potential .Sometimes though , environments can hinder personal achievements and thus halt this potential .The best example is dealing with life as_ Linette:The only time I have seen him not drink was when he got sick.(15 May 2018) Linette:He passes out on the couch [...]

5 yr old watching x-rated movies?
(16 May 2018)

Does this happen to other parents at such a young age?
(16 May 2018)

I think it might have been happening for a while and I know it is entirely my fault for not keeping a closer eye on her.
(16 May 2018)

I caught her watching nude movies on our tablet when she knows it's not something she could watch.
(16 May 2018)

I'm so lost and confused and I don't know what to do or say to her.
(16 May 2018)

My dad is encouraging bad behavior. Tips on ignoring negative comments?
(16 May 2018)

Should I talk to him (dad) directly about this?
(16 May 2018)

My dad never had a successful relationship (parents divorced and he is still single). Obviously any sane person wouldn't want to date someone who makes threats.
(16 May 2018)

I am annoyed that he wants me to carry on the negative patterns that he showed me as a kid.
(16 May 2018)

This conversation with my dad is still bothering me today. almost a week later.
(16 May 2018)

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